Chapter 6

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I tossed and turned in my bed. What is wrong with me? I had just thrown Ryan back into Malivore so I should be feeling safe now but I feel so unsettled. I knew he would get punished by his father for failing him but that thought did not make me feel better. Sighing, I got up and took out the prism that Lizzie had given me. Maybe talking to imaginary Landon would help. He had way of calming me down.

I held the prism and concentrated. When I opened my eyes, I was shocked to find Ryan sitting on my bed. He was looking around the room and finally his eyes landed on me. He had a smirk playing on his lips.

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you get out of Malivore so fast? "

" I am here because you want me to." He said, pointing to the prism.

So he is still in Malivore and this is an imaginary projection of him. Why is the prism showing me Ryan instead of Landon?

" I am here so that you can talk you way out of your guilt so that you can feel better. By the way, these are some cool paintings you have here." imaginary Ryan said casually as he was checking out my paintings.

Landon would never compliment my paintings like that. He thinks there is too much darkness in them but he was just too kind to say so. He is right because I had painted most of them after my mother's death, when I had the entire hollow inside me. I used real blood of the people that had helped in killing my mom for those paintings. That somehow calmed me, just like how they calmed my dad. I guess we have that in common.

I had been wanting to throw the painting away ever since landon and I started dating because being around him made me repulsed of the darkness inside me and I wanted to forget all of it and try to be happy.

So my brain thinks Ryan could understand my paintings? Perhaps it because of the torture he went through in Malivore. Speaking of Malivore,

" What guilt are you talking about? I don't have to feel guilty for throwing you into the pit. You were spying on me and trying to kill me." I said trying to support my decision.

Hearing my voice, Ryan turned around to look at me. " Yes my father sent me to kill you. If I really wanted to do that why did I try to save you from your father. I could have simply let him kill you for me."

" I.. maybe you wanted some favour from me before you killed me."

Ryan smirked slightly at my attempts at justification. "Maybe I did. But don't you think I deserved a chance to explain myself before you threw me into that awful place? My father is torturing me in unimaginable ways as we speak."

I was shocked by the raw pain in imaginary Ryan's eyes. I realised that is my guilt of making him suffer, manifesting itself.

" I am sorry, I should have heard you out. I am scared of being betrayed again. I was tricked by my ex boyfriend Roman which led to the kidnapping of my mom. Don't you get it? If I hadn't blindly trusted him my mother would still be alive." I yelled, tears pooling out of my eyes. I have never been this vulnerable with anyone before.

" I understand Hope. You did the right thing and you have nothing to feel guilty about. That is what I am here to tell you. Get some rest now Hope." Ryan said kindly before disappearing.

I expected imaginary Ryan to be angry and start blaming me but he was comforting me. I guess the prism is very effective in bringing out my subconscious thoughts about Ryan.

I realised then that the only was to shake off this guilty feeling is to get him out of there. I know there is no way I could physically bring his out of there because Malivore won't allow me to leave with him. But I know that I am powerful enough to bring his spirit out that place, leaving his physical body in Malivore. It is time for me to dig out my grandmothers' magic books.


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