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Norman POV.....

I go outside to feel fresh air when someone talk behind me...

Norman: what are you doing here?

It's her...

Even: I don't want to stay in my quarters and I also want to inhale fresh air..
Norman: I'm telling you this... You need to survive to live...
Even: I know..

Then she looked at me..

Norman: why? Is there something on my face?
Even: I know you miss her..
Norman: what do you mean?
Even: your girl comrade?
Norman: I don't..
Even: yes you are!
Norman: I don't have rights to miss her.. We are not in a relationship or what...
Even: why not tell me her story...
Norman: It's not the right time...

Then she looked at her wrist watch...

Even: it's already 3:30pm.. Is this the right time?

I laugh...

Even: why? Is there something wrong?
Norman: if I tell you her story, it will change your mind...
Even: then change it...
Norman: I met her on my first day being a trainee like you... She save us from being killed..
Even: what?

I smile....

Norman: yes.... After that, the eight of us always together until they separate us and classify base on our different classes... We are in the same class... We even share the same quarters..
Even: like a boy and a girl in same room?
Norman: yes! We live in same room for a year..
Even: for a year?
Norman: yes..for a year... Then one day there they hire new nurse... A girl nurse..
Even: but...
Norman: yeah... She wanted to kill her.. She even threatened her on her first day here...
Even: so she killed that girl?
Norman: no... We escape..
Even: We?
Norman: yes... she planned to kill the whole class...But we hide to the secret hideout for two months... We heard that the nurse was already dead because of her mental health.. Then Shiyoon suddenly fight with her... He interrogated her about her past.. then she decided to go out in the warzone alone... and locked us there for weeks...
Even: she didn't say goodbye?
Norman: she said that we're going on a date after we escaped...
Even: and...
Norman: she disappeared...
Even: maybe she's dead already..
Norman: she's still alive..
Even: you didn't...
Norman: she's alive!
Even: if she's alive, why she's not...
Norman: she almost killed our instructor before... The instructor dare us to shoot him 3km range and she did.. She operated him on the spot.. without anesthesia... She can assemble guns... She's.......Amazing...
Even: base on your story, she's your girlfriend..
Norman: how I wish...
Even: you admitted that you love her...
Norman: I'm not saying I'm not...
Even: you want to see her again? Like talk to her?
Norman: I already see her... but talk to her? Maybe she will be scared if I do that...
Even: why?
Norman: stop asking questions go back inside...

I stand up...

Norman: I hope this will be our last...
Even: can we be friends?

I laugh again...

Norman: are you kidding me right?
Even: serious over here... What? I want to know more about that girl..
Norman: stop asking about her...

I go inside and planning to start the formation...

Even: sir! I'm not going to ask you about her but can you be my friend? My boss as well...

I didn't look back and continue walking...

Even: silence means yes! I will take that as a yes!

I smile... This maybe our destiny...


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