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Norman POV..

Even: I will be going outside... I will take risk so everyone can be happy..

She walked to the door but I quickly stand up and grab her wrist....

Norman: don't do this...
Even: it's for the better! All of you will die if I continue being with you...
Jiggy: then let's die together...
Troy: One for all!
James: All for one!
Sam: I'm coming with you!
Harold: I can help!

I looked at them....

Norman: see?
Even: just stay here! Everyone is searching for me...

She let go of her hands from me and open the door...

Even: Let's go out if I survive this battle..

Then she give me a peck...

Even: take care!

She closed the door and she locked it so we can't go outside... If she locked one door, every secret passage will be locked...

Shiyoon: Even! Even! Open the door! Open this damn door!
Norman: she's not serious right?
Sam: just relax here...
Norman: relax? How am I going to relax? Even gamble her life outside but here we are hiding to survive....


It's been a week but we don't have any news... The internet shutdown since then...

Jiggy: Shiyoon! Come on let's eat...
Shiyoon: I'm full...
Jiggy: full? You only drink water and you didn't eat anything...
Norman: I will do it...

I sit beside Shiyoon....

Norman: let's eat...

He suddenly cried and hold my wrist....

Shiyoon: dude....
Norman: hmmm?
Shiyoon: sorry! If I didn't do that she will not go out and lock us here...
Norman: don't worry about her.. She will survive..
Shiyoon: but it's been a week.. our supply can't last for another week...
Norman: you heard her story right? Even fight for us to live.. Don't waste Even's effort and sacrifice...

He still cry...

Norman: now, all you need to do is to eat to have energy because I can feel that something will happened tomorrow...

I'm still hoping that she survived...


Sam POV...

Sam: come on let's eat?
Norman: sure!

Everyone is now eating..

Sam: Norman slowdown.. the food will not run?

He's been acting weird since Even go outside this hideout.... He didn't sleep... He keeps on typing something to his laptop... I heard crash sound from his area...

Sam: Norman what's going on?

I go to his area where the sound come from and I see Norman lying on the floor...

Sam: Norman!


Norman POV...

3 years

Sgt. Paulino: Thank you for helping us in this mission!
Norman: you're welcome sir!

Then we salute... It's been 3 years since we're trapped in that building... Ashley die because of her mental health... We escape because Sgt. Paulino save us...

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