[BNHA] Daddy Issues [Todoroki x Reader

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a/n: yes, I titled this daddy issues.. it's very cliche. I know..


12:26 am


"i cant sleep"

"are u up?"


12:28 am


"dumbass, ik your awake. you just replied to my message."


"what's the matter? why are you up so late?"


12:32 am

"id rather tell u in person"

"So, you're going to wait until 8 am? What was the point in you texting me then Y/n?"

"just shut up and come look on your roof."




You clicked your phone off and hugged your knees, letting the smile that was on your face fade. Lost in your thoughts, you started messing with your quirk. With your hand in front of your face you started moving it in abstract ways. First producing lightning and letting it spark between your fingers, then producing fire and watching as the flame grew bigger or smaller at your command.

The flame caught your interest though. With your thoughts jumbled and emotions everywhere, the flame seemed to have a mind of its own. You watched as it grew, not to a dangerous extent but it definitely was a larger flame than the ones you usually make.

You never noticed but Todoroki had been standing there the whole time, observing you. His voice brought you back to reality.

"Y/n?" He spoke, his voice was firm but still managed to sound full of concern.

Your flame died out and you looked down at him with big attentive eyes. You put on a smile.

"Shoto! Get your butt up here!" You chirped.

Reluctantly, Todoroki made his way on top of the roof with you. He wasn't stupid. He could tell when his girlfriend was upset about something. So, he sat behind you and pulled you up into his lap, letting his arms wrap around your much smaller frame and resting his head on your shoulder.

"Now tell me what's wrong. And don't try to deny it either. If there's one thing I've learned about you it's that when you get upset you try to convince the people around you, and yourself, that everything is fine. You get more lively and smile a lot more than usual. And that's exactly what you've been doing. So tell me what's bothering you."

You rested your head back on Todoroki and took a deep breath. "I haven't told you about my family have I?" You asked him.

"...No. You never brought it up and I wasn't gonna pry."

You went silent for a moment and let everything come back to you.

"When I was younger my dad was a workaholic and power-crazy. He ran a business under the city, doing things like handling transactions and other financial things, taking care of imports and exports overseas, and doing business with other companies. But, he stained many hands in the process. Everything seemed fine and legit from the outside but that company had a lot of dirt on its hands. Hell, there was a whole holding cell underground where he kept those who 'betrayed' him or that he felt 'needed to learn a lesson'." You sighed.

"He was manipulative as hell. He felt that everyone should bow down to him and that everything that he says goes. No one ever dared to talk back to him. Until I had had enough of all the lies and silence and mental fucking abuse." Todoroki let his hands wander up and down your sides, hoping that his touch would calm you down a bit.

"One day, the company had a meeting. My dad made this crazy-ass proposal so I said something about it. I stood up out of my seat and shouted at the top of my lungs at him... Then the room fell silent," You paused. "He was not happy with me. At that moment he ordered me to sit down and told me that I had no say so in how he runs his company... And things were fine.. until we got home."

You took a deep breath and stared up at the stars. "When we got home he practically threw me inside and 'challenged' me to this thing called an Angi Kai. My family has a long line of fire users so my dad said he was "sticking to tradition"... It's when two Fire users fight until the other is scarred... permanently."

Todoroki's eyes widened and his heart sunk hearing this. He had experienced getting a burn like that. Why hadn't you told him? He was your boyfriend. Did you not trust him enough to tell him before?

"Y/n..." He spoke softly.

You ignored him. You had tears running down your cheeks and you could feel them wet your collarbone as they fell down.

Staring at the moon, all of the pain from the memory came back to you. You had that strange sensation of feeling in your back run up your spine.

You sniffled and rubbed your eyes. "That's why I couldn't sleep," You let out a stuffy giggle as you felt Todoroki put his hands on your shoulders, attempting to turn you around and face him. "I had a bad dream, about my dad.."

You switched yourself around so your legs were cradling his waist and buried your face in his chest.

You sniffled again. "A-and it all felt so real... It's like, I could feel him.. just.. letting his flames engulf my back. I could hear his harsh words ring through my ears. I-" You whimpered aloud as you felt your boyfriend's hand under your shirt and running along your spine, where your scar was.

It happened years ago but you felt like the burn was still fresh. His hands scared you at first but surprisingly relaxed you.

Your breathing slowed down, and eventually, your tears stopped. All you could hear was Todoroki's heartbeat.

"I'm so sorry Y/n... You don't deserve to be hurt like that..."

Despite everything, Todoroki felt bad. He should've noticed earlier. He felt like he should've done something to prevent you from being hurt - even though there was obviously nothing he could do -.

Moments of intimate silence passed. Todoroki didn't exactly know what to say so the best he could do was listen. And to be honest, that's exactly what you needed.

Ever since this moment, Todoroki swore to protect you. Even if it meant his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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