An interesting morning...

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Hey so this is my first wattpad fanfiction I've ever written although I've written some on other websites before. Im fairly new to this fandom so if I make a mistake please correct me!
"Hello guys!" the small Finnish boy proclaimed as he dashed through the classroom door like an excitable child. His signature angelic smile lit up his equally angelic face as he did this.

"Hey Tino..." A less enthusiastic Norwegian boy mumbled. "Hey there Finny!..." The more cheery Dane replied."...and ignore negative nancy over here he's just pissed because he walked into a street lamp".

"Wow that must have hurt!" Tino said sympathetically. "It did! and not to mention that pretty much every man and his dog saw me do it!" Lukas said angrily.

Tino noticed that Emil,his icelandic friend,wasn't here although he suspected he might be off making out with Yao's cousin...again.

Tino sat down in his usual spot in the classroom. He and his group of friends came in earliest to school so they could chat and play games.

He noticed his friend or well crush, Berwald, wasn't here yet which wasn't unusual since he lived the furthest away.Ever since little school, him and Berwald were always the closest in the group because they had a lot more in common as well as the added factor of living nearest to each other.

Although in recent years Tino has felt as if maybe there is something stronger than friendship between the two.Although he was too scared to verbally admit his love officially he had hinted at his homosexuality at a few times in the past.

The sound of a gruff Swedish accent broke his thoughts."H'llo B'ys" The Swedish boy said in his formal tone."Hiya Berwald!" Tino exclaimed loudly while enveloping the tall boy in a tight hug.

"Honhonhonhon...young love, why don't you embrace me like that whenever you see me Arthur?" Francis teases, enjoying the tempered reaction from the English boy beside him.

"Because then I'd have to go home and wash the odour of frog and smelly French cheese of myself!" Arthur spits back at him.

An obnoxious American walks in. "Fuck 'er right in the pussy!" he shouts making the room burst into histerics except for the embarresed Englishman.Alfred is known for being the class clown as well as being the winner of the burger eating competition every year.

Berwald loved seeing his friend's smile. He stared at his Finnish friend a little longer before lifting him on to his lap, this must have surprised Tino because he gave a little shriek.

"What are you doing Berwald?" Tino asked, his short legs were wrapped around Berwald torso as the Swedish boy carried him through the rowdy classroom which earned them a couple stares.

"Wha-" Tino was hastily interupted by a pair of soft lips that moulded into his own. After a few seconds Tino had realised what was happening he decided to kiss back. After a few more moments they stopped for air although thank god they did because Ludwig and Feliciano, a German and an Italian student had just appeared round the corner.


Sorry if this is short but this is just a little taster to what the fic will be about. I'm not sure whether I should add lemons or not? please give feedback!

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