Chapter 8: Draco

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This was absolutely ridiculous.

Here Draco was sat, surrounded by a bunch of useless Muggles. The only one he even slightly respected was the man from space. He really ought to ask him more about Pigfarts, but when he went to turn around and ask, he was talking to the other man with brown hair. Great, just great. Now he'd have to do something else, since no one else around here seemed to have any form of intelligence. He decided that he should look around the neighborhood, perhaps someone in the area was knowledgable about magic. And so, he walked out the door, looking for something interesting.

Though he should've expected it, everyone in the area looked hideous. And he knew he was no acception, wearing an ugly green jumper over a white button up, and a pair of jeans. Bleh, he looked poor. But, that's simply how it was, and he'd just have to wait it out. The sacrifices he made for knowledge, ugh. None the less, he continued his journey, wandering around the streets. He thought back to what McNamara had said about this area, trying to guess at where he should head next. Perhaps one of those... Coffee shops? Was that what it was called? Yes, that was likely it.

He paused a moment, searching his pockets for the currency this area used, he believed it was called "dollars". Huh, it looks like he had one dollars, with a 10 on it. Likey worth 10 dollars then, brilliant! He silently thanked the General for giving Draco the things he deserved, before tucking it back into his pocket and looking for a coffee shop. It didn't take long, seeing as there seemed to be one on every corner. Let's see, this one was called "Beanies", hm. Well, let's give it a shot, shall we? Draco straightened himself up, before heading in.

It was a cozy little shop, not many customers around. A man in a brown suit jacket and hat, a girl in plaid and a yellow beanie (ironically), a girl with short brown hair listening to music with her headphones in, and the exhausted looking lady behind the counter. Well, let's see what they have to offer. He strolled up to the counter, which caught the attention of the lady in the green apron. Aha, her name tag says "Emma", alright. She put on a very obviously strained grin before speaking.
"Hi, welcome to Beanies! What can I get you today?"

Draco squinted up at the menu above her head, trying to decide. Lots of these drinks looked quite good, but he decided to go with a classic.
"I would like a chocolate milk, if you please."
He decided, grinning proudly at his choice. Emma raised an eyebrow at him, amused, before digging around under the counter and pulling out a carton of chocolate milk.
"That's 2.25 bud."
Ah, alright. He assumed these people would give change, he hadn't exactly been paying attention to that part of the briefing.

He put the money on the counter, and she put it into some strange machine, before pulling out some different money. Strange... But before he could think on it to much, Emma handed him the money and slid the chocolate milk forward.
"Your accent is cool, where are you from?"
"Um... Well, it's a smaller area, you likely wouldn't know of it."
He shrugged. Please accept that as an answer-
"Yeah, I probably wouldn't. I don't really know the geography of anywhere across the pond. But hey, still pretty neat. Good luck with exams kid, they're coming up quick."
She said, before busying herself with something else.

He had absolutely no idea what that meant, but oh well, his cover was in tact. He grabbed a straw out of the container on the counter, before heading out once again. He still wanted to find someone to talk to about Pigfarts, but... Well, it was getting dark, and he supposed it could wait. He started retracing his steps as best he could. Did he turn here, or...? He sighed deeply, realizing that he was, without a doubt, lost. Great, just great. He took a sip of his chocolate milk, beginning to wander off down a random street.

"You're going the wrong way, son."
Wait, he knew that voice! He turned around to see the General, with Sally in tow, stood a few feet back at the corner. Draco couldn't help but grin as he trotted over to them, taking another sip of his milk. McNamara sighed.
"You're lucky I was escorting Miss Greenwich home when I was. It'd be beneficial for you to look at a map before going on a walk in a place you've never been."
He said, before nodding sharply towards a different street, and heading off, leading them both towards the house.

Just in time for dinner.

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