Chapter 3: Sally

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After everyone was seated, McNamara cleared his throat, taking a slow look around the room.
"... Though I can't go into detail about it, there's something... Unnatural lurking behind the curtains of the world. It seems to have pulled you all here, for some reason. We're working on a way to get you back, but the process may take a while."
Junior interrupted, glaring daggers at the General.

"Okay, just how long is 'a while' to you? A week? A month? A year??"
He snapped, bouncing his leg impatiently as he leaned forward, scrutinizing McNamara, who sighed deeply.
"I haven't got an exact estimate. We're dealing with a link between dimensions son, that's not an easy thing to figure out."
He said, composure never breaking. Junior rolled his eyes, about to speak up again, only for Razoul to beat him to it.

"And what are we to do while we're here? Sit in this room and wait?"
He asked. Sally had to admit, he had a point. If it was going to be a while, this room would get boring real fast. Sophia turned her head towards McNamara, who gave her a nod. She looked back to the group with a crooked grin.
"Now, that's where I come in. As I said before I left, I'm great with negotiations, which means some bonuses for all you."

The hell...? What did that mean? McNamara gave another nod to her before speaking.
"Mrs. White has proven herself to be responsible, knowledgeable, and resourceful, which allows me to put a certain measure of trust in her. What this means for all of you is that you will be allowed to reside in Hatchetfield."
Woah, woah, what!? They just... Get to leave!? They must be crazy, what if one of them doesn't meld with society? Sally was snapped out of her thoughts as the General continued.

"I've already briefed most of you on how the world works nowadays,"
He glanced at Sally as he said this, before returning his focus to the rest of them.
"And you all seem to understand how bad it would be if word got out about this."
That time he glanced to Junior.
"Don't think this is your chance to run free. You will be monitored constantly, and given a phone with a tracker in it. If you are found to have lost or destroyed this device, you'll be stuck in here again, and severely punished."

With that warning in place, he gestured to Sophia.
"Mrs. White will be in charge of you all on a lesser level. If you need to reach me directly, speak to her. You will have no other contact with P.E.I.P, so I suggest you stay on her good side."
He then turned to Sally, who sat up a little straighter at his sharp eyes. Geez, you'd think the guy could see right though you...
"Miss Greenwich, you'll have to come with me for a briefing as well. This may take a while."

Wait, "take a while"? How long had she been out? And what had the others gotten done in the meantime?? Once again, her train of thought got interrupted by McNamara.
"The rest of you will be given an ID, and more modern clothes, then escorted to the place you'll be staying."
He looked over the group one more time, voice becoming a little more serious than before.
"...I hope you all recognize what I'm putting on the line for you. It may seem like simple human decency to you, but I had to pull quite a few strings to have this arranged."

He allowed that to hang in the air for a moment, before gesturing for Sally to get up. She jolted, scrambling to her feet and following him towards the door. He ushered her out first, pausing in the doorframe. Looking over his shoulder, he issued one final warning before he closed the door.

"Do not disappoint me."

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