Chapter 18: The Trial of Will Powers.

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Ari's P.O.V is the second trial and I'm really nervous....I never felt so nervous before, but i do my best to make Will Powers Innocent.
Right now I'm inside the courtroom with Phoenix and Mia, Maya's Sister, by my side right now, and I think I will win this trial...
I think.

Judge: -Slams gravel into the desk-
"Court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Will Powers."

Mr. Edgeworth: "The Prosecution is ready, Your Honor."

"The defense is ready, Your Honor."

Judge: "Very Well. Mr. Edgeworth, Your
opening statement, please."

Mr. Edgeworth: "An unexpected fact has come to the attention of the court.
Yesterday, we learned that there were other people present at the studios.
Today, I would like to show evidence proving they had nothing to do
with the murder."

Judge: "Very well.
You may call your first witness,
Mr. Edgeworth."

Phoenix: "(I wonder if it'll be that producer...)"

Mr. Edgeworth: "The Prosecution calls
Mr. Sal Manella to the stand."

Phoenix: "(Or the director...)"

Suddenly the doors opened relieving Manella to the stand, I could feel him looking at me right now...

Mr. Edgeworth: "Will the witness state his name and profession?"

Manella: "How r00d can j00 get!
J00 don't know ME!?
I'm the director! I make the Steel Samurai, n00b! ROFL!"

Mr. Edgeworth: -Cross his arms and looks serious-

Manella: "S...Sal Manella.
I'm a director. Television."

Judge: "Were you at Global Studios on the day of the murder?"

Manella: "Y-yes, Your Honor."

Judge: "Hmm...
Very well. Please testify to the court about the events of that day."

Maya (Mia): "Ari. Let's start by picking this testimony apart.
If Powers is innocent, you know what
that means.
Someone in the trailer on the day did it!"

(She doesn't waste any time putting on the pressure!)"

{Witness Testimony}
~The Day of the Murder~

'I was at the studios from
around 9:00 that morning.

During the morning, I was action
scene run-through.

It took a lot more time
than I through it would.

I hear that everyone else
ate lunch in the Employee

But I had a meeting in the
Studio Two trailer, so I ended
up skipping lunch.

We were In the meeting
until around 4:00...

During the meeting, well,
I'm pretty sure no one
left their chairs.'

Manella: "That's about it."

Judge: "Hmm...
The time of Mr. Hammer's death was 3:00 PM.
And according to your testimony, your were in a meeting at that time.
Ms. Alcaraz, you May begin your

"Yes, Your Honor."

   ~The Day of the Murder~

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