Chapter 12: More information about the scene of the crime

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Maya's P.O.V
November 5
Global Studios
Employee Area

"Nick, Ari! This is where they do all
the behind-the-scenes stuff! And look!
There's Powers dressing room!"
-puts her hand on her cheek and looks up thinking-
"No ones here This soon after the murder I guess.
Let's take a look around!"

Phoenix: -Looks around the Area and sees a food machine-
"Let's see...cola, candy, chips, gum...
Huh. It's so...normal.
I was expecting some cool theme snacks or something. Popcorn, at least!"

"W-Wait! Look! 'Samurai Soda'!"
-Grabs the Soda And past it to Ari-
"Ari, Try this!"

Ari: -Grabs Soda and drinks It-
"Hmm...not bad."
-Looks at Will Power's dressing room-
"Hey...dressing room it's not locked"

"Hey, guys!
Let's take a look inside!
Maybe we can find something as a souvenir...?"

Phoenix: "What do you mean 'find'!?"

"You never know! There might be something like...the Samurai Spear!

Phoenix: "We don't need a Spear!"

Ari: -Looks a the other way and sees
a open vent-
"Hey, Guys! Look at this!"
-bends down-
"This metal grate on the drain here has been taken Off.
That's a pretty big drain.
A kid could fit through there, I bet."

"Yeah, if you snuck in that
way you wouldn't have
to pay at the gate!"

Phoenix: "Well, if you want to leave
that way, be my guest."

-puts her hand on her cheek and looks up thinking-
"Huh? Hey! I'm not a kid!"

Ari: "Hey guys, i think we should enter the dressing room."

"Good idea!"

November 5
Global Studios
Dressing Room

Ari: "(Powers dressing Room...
So this is where he was sleeping?
Or at least, this is where he claims
he was sleeping.)"

"No one actually saw him
taking a nap here, did they?"

Phoenix: "Right, and there's a picture of him near the crime scene."

Ari: "(I hope he's telling the truth...
for his sake!)"

-Looks around and sees a bag
on the floor-
"Hmm? This must be Powers bag."
-Grabs the bag and opens a little-

Ari: "Hey, don't open that."

-Takes out of the bag a cardkey-

"Look!"-Takes out of the bag a cardkey-

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"An employee Cardkey.
That's must be Power's"

Phoenix: "It says 'Studio One'"

"Let's take It, Nick!"

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