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Thanks: Bluewonders458
For suggesting this ship!!! Enjoy!!!

~~Tyler P.O.V~~

"Hey guys today we're gonna play a Minecraft mini-game called hide and seek with Jason, Kyle and Adam.." I exclaim as I get started to play the game "ON THE HIVE!!" Jason screams quite loudly but quite sexily... Yesh I have a crush on the MinecraftUniverse "he's just so darn cute and sexy I just wanna kiss him all over and never let him go!!" I accidentally say out loud.. "OOO TYLER WHOS THAT ABOUT HUH HUH!!" Adam says "Tell us Brotata" Kyle says while Jason sits there silently he must not have known he accidentally turned it on because he was blushing like a tomato "uhh no one..." I reply blushing so much "really dood JUST TELL US!!" Adam Spoke again.. "Umm okay it's.... 3.2.1 HIDE AND SEEK TIME!!!" "Lucky.." Kyle said softly I was a bookshelf so I hid in a house "NO ONE WILL FIND ME HERE!!!" I say cockily as soon as I say that a flower pot runs up and sits right on top of me.. "IMA FLOWER POT ONA BOOKSHELF!!" Jason says could he read my thought or is he on top?? "Thanks for giving it away Jason did you remember i am a hunter.... and I'm coming for you..." Kyle exclaims "duhDuhDUUUUH" Adam says and we all laugh!! "GOD DAMMIT HOW DID HE FIND ME?!?"
_~_ SkythekidRS was killed by EpicNoobington _~_
We all burst out laughing cause the name "DAT NAME DOE" Adam screams though the laughter "Jason I'm coming" Adam says creepily "uhhhh you can't find me.." Jason stutters "Yesh I can mr flower pot in the window" "Adam that's so creepy I could die.." "I kno-WAIT WHAT?!?"
_~_ SkythekidRS was killed by TrueMU with Hyper Axe_~_
"DAMN YOU JASON" "HAHAHA SERVES YOU RIGHT CREEPER!!" Jason Exclaims "ssSSSBOOM" Adam says and we all burst into laughter again..

~~Jason P.O.V~~

I knew the bookshelf under me was a person and there's not many people left is could be Tyler... I wish it was Tyler. I wait just sitting here until i heard Tyler say "Jason there's 30seconds left lets just run around till times up because we're the last 2 left.." wow I love his voice "okay let's do dis!!" I respond and the block under me moves "so it was you on top of me!!" Tyler says "well now we know who's top!" I respond and everyone laughs!! By the time we stop there was no time left "WE WON JASON WE WON!!!" Tyler screamed at me "well let's play a few more cause that was bullshit" Kyle says

_~_Time Skip to after Hide and seek_~_
"...and I'll see you later recruits" Adam trails off as he does his outro and we all stop recording "well that was good" Adam says "Brotata do you wanna tell us who that person is that you like.." Kyle says

~~Tyler P.O.V~~

"Brotata do you wanna tell us who that person is that you like.." Kyle says "uhh uuuh I don't wanna talk about it" i say stuttering a little "Come on... Tell us!! We won't tell them" Adam says back "if I do say it they will hear.." I say softly as possible "ooooh uhh so it's either skytato, Munchingkomics, or MunchingUniverse" Kyle says "I VOTE MUNCHINGUNIVERSE" Adam screams and I blush as well as Jason as he still has his cam on "Uhh Jason you do realize you have your face cam on right!" I say "oh uhh nope" he says and turns it off "umm I gotta go bye.." Jason says and leaves the call "so is it Jason?!?" Adam says really wanting to know "Yes it's Jason.." "OH MAI GAWD YES KYLE YOU OWE ME $100" Adam screams "Fine Adam" Kyle says back in a monotone "wait you bet on who i like?!?" i say aggravated "umm no.... Maybe..... Yes...." Adam says i sigh aggravatingly and leave the call just before I leave I see Jason still in the call blushing he only muted his mic and he turned his webcam on again.... I decide to get ready to sleep as its is 3am I have a shower and go to bed dreaming of Jason holding me, kissing me goodnight, and staying with me forever...

I wake up tired and grumpy like usual but I can smell bacon and am confused because I'm here alone... I get up get my glasses and walk out of my bedroom to see Jason cooking me breakfast "oh umm hi ba- Tyler.." Jason said shyly "Did you nearly just call me babe??" I say back "Maybe-uuuh I'm sorry-" I walk up to him and put my finger on his lips and stare into his eyes "don't be i like it" I say "okay then babe good morning" i inch closer and closer to his lips before kissing his smooth and soft lips "You don't know how long I have waited to do that" I say "You Don't know how long I have waited to do that" he says back "SO Jason would you like to go out with moi??" he chuckles a little "of course I will!!" And he pulls me in for another kiss
"I Love You Jason"
"I Love You Too Tyler"
And from that point on we stayed together forever never left each others side and adopted a little girl named Dylan and lived happily ever after...
Oh also we created a combined YouTube channel named MunchingUniverse that's has 6 million subscribers...

The End

SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER STUFF HAPPENED NAME MORE SHIPS I NEEEED MOAAAR XD I promise it won't take as long to write.. :) ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚

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