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✨This is a continuation from the last part ✨

🧩This contains strong language and mature themes🧩

You and Dalia head back to her place to start getting ready for tonight.

Dalia: Are you excited???
Y/n: I'm pumped, It's been so long since I've been able to go out
Dalia: Why's that?
Y/n: My ex was a little controlling so even if I did I couldn't wear anything too revealing
Dalia: Oh wow I'm sorry
Y/n: No don't be, it's alright. I'm here with you and with everyone
Dalia: You mean you're here with Nic?
Y/n: I didn't say that
Dalia: You didn't have too, it's obvious that you like him
Y/n: I don't, I'm not ready for a relationship and anyways he doesn't like me
Dalia: Uh-
Y/n: What?
Dalia: Nothing, now go put this on

Dalia hands you a dress and directs you to the bathroom. You go there and strip down and put on the dress.



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Y/n: Wow this fits great
Dalia: You should keep it
Y/n: Really?
Dalia: Yeah! I never wear it anyways
Y/n: Thank you
Dalia: No problem


Y'all finish getting ready and by then it's already 8:00pm.

Dalia: You ready??
Y/n: Totally

She calls an Uber for y'all and you two hit the clubs. There wasn't many guys there but the drinks were great. One after another y'all put the down. Going to dance when a song y'all liked came on. But as the night went on and more drinks were ordered soon every song was a song you and Dalia liked. Feeling the beat of the music you let it carry you to the middle of the dance floor. Quickly people surrounded you and you found yourself dancing the night away. Dalia came and found you on the dance floor and introduced you to some guys she met at the bar.

Jake: Hey
Y/n: Heyyy
Jake: What's your name?
Y/n: It's Y/n! What's yours?
Jake: It's Jake, by the way you look gorgeous
Y/n: Oh thank you
Jake: You would look more gorgeous with me though
Y/n: Oh um thanks I guess
Jake: So what do you say?
Y/n: Huh?
Jake: Me and you tonight?
Y/n: Oh I do-
Caleb: I think she rather be with me tonight bud
Y/n: Who are you?
Caleb: I'm Caleb or you can call me yours
Y/n: Wow that's very forward of you
Caleb: If you want I can move backwards as well
Y/n: Listen I appreciate this but I'm not going home with you
Jake: Yeah Caleb so back off she's coming home with me
Y/n: No I'm not going home with either of you

After that they left and you go and find Dalia.

Dalia: Sooo which one are you going home with?
Y/n: Neither, but after them I do need a drink
Dalia: Yikes they were that bad?
Y/n: Don't even get me started
Dalia: Well sounds like we need more shots
Y/n: Yes ma'am!

Y'all order some patron shots and they're down in seconds

Dalia: Damn girl how did you learn how to do that
Y/n: I wasn't the best high school student
Dalia: It's okay I wasn't either. Let's go dance!!
Y/n: Yesssss

Y'all head back out to the dance floor and lose yourself to the rhythm. The colors fill the room and you move your body with them. After what seems like hours of dancing y'all decide to call it a night.

Dalia: I'm gonna call an Uber back to my place
Y/n: I promised Nic I would come home tonight
Dalia: Are you sure?
Y/n: Why wouldn't I be?
Dalia: You're just very drunk right now
Y/n: I am not

You say as you stumble out of the club

Y/n: Okayyyy maybe a little
Dalia: I'll call you an Uber home but text me when you get there
Y/n: Okayyyyyyy

You get in the Uber and you nearly pass out in the car. Once you get back to the apartment you see Nic waiting outside for you.

Y/n: Hiiiiiiiii
Nic: You're very drunk right now
Y/n: How did you know I was here? Are you psychic?
Nic: No, Dalia texted me
Y/n: Wow that's so nice

You nearly fall and that's when Nic scoops you up and starts carrying you upstairs.

Y/n: You're so strong
Nic: Uh huh
Y/n: You're so handsome too
Nic: Y/n you're drunk
Y/n: Maybe I'm just seeing clearly and you're drunk
Nic: Okay y/n let's just get you to bed
Y/n: Join me
Nic: Y/n no
Y/n: Why not
Nic: Because the contract and other things
Y/n: Screw the contract, for fucks sake screw me
Nic: You need to go to bed

He lays you down on the bed, but you don't let go of him. Instead you pull him down and now he's on top of you.

Y/n: Stay with me
Nic: Only if you promise you'll go to sleep
Y/n: I'll only sleep if you stay
Nic: Okay but you have to sleep

You lay down and Nic wraps his arms around you and you drift off to sleep.

🧩Sorry this chapter is so short🧩

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