Moving In

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✨This is a continuation from the last part✨

Nic opens the door and you walk in and see your new home or home for right now.

Y/n: Wow this is a nice place
Nic: Oh thank you
Y/n: You're welcome

He walks you to your room. And shows you around the house. You walk back to your new room and see that everything is very bare. But there's a nice big closet and nice bed in there as well. You set down your suitcase and start to unpack just to realize you don't have any hangers. You walk across the hall where Nic showed you his room was. You open the door to see him shirtless. It took you a second to realize you were just staring.

Y/n: Oh um I'm sorry, I just came to ask you something but I'll come back in a bit
Nic: No it's cool I'm just changing into something comfier really quick
Y/n: Okay then, I just came to ask if there is a place I can buy for my clothes
Nic: Oh yeah we can just go to target later on
Y/n: Thanks
Nic: No problem
Y/n: Before I go back to my room, I was just wondering if maybe I could decorate it a little with some little plants or something
Nic: Yeah, you can do whatever you want. Go crazy

You leave and go back to your room. You figure it's a good idea to change into something comfier as well. You throw on an oversized black hoodie and some spandex. You then start planning for how you want to decorate it, but then it hits your mind. You need a job. You open your laptop and start browsing for jobs in the area.


You start to feel hungry and look at the time. "How is it 8:00pm already?" You think to yourself. You go to Nic's room to find that he's not there. So you walk out into the dining room and into the kitchen and see that he's cooking. The foods aroma fills your nose with sweet and spicy smells.

Y/n: Hey
Nic: Oh hi

You notice that he looked a little stunned to see you, but you wrote it off as he forgot you were here.

Nic: I hope you like spicy food
Y/n: I love it!
Nic: Really?
Y/n: Yeah I love the mixture of flavors I get in my mouth as I eat it
Nic: Me too!

He finishes dinner and sets down the plates at the table.

Nic: So what made you decide to dye your hair pink? I think it looks amazing, it's just very bright and most people wouldn't do that
Y/n: Well I guess I'm just not like most people. My mother always said I followed the beat of my own drum. And I have been known to make very irrational decisions. For example flying to Germany without any clue as to what I'm going to do.
Nic: Well I'm glad you did
Y/n: Yeah me too

Nic looks you in the eyes and his gaze is heavy. You've seen eyes like his that just draw you in. He moves a little closer to you. But then he completely backs off

Nic: So since we're going to be living together and we don't know much about each other I feel like we should sign an intimacy contract
Y/n: What's that?
Nic: It would just be stating that we don't have any physical contact, like romantic or sexual wise that way things don't get awkward
Y/n: Yeah that makes sense to me
Nic: Okay great well I'll have one made and printed out tomorrow

Y'all finish eating dinner and continue to make some small talk. But the thought of the intimacy contract bothered you. Obviously he was very good looking but that didn't explain why it hurt that he brought it up. You knew that it was for better. Especially because if things did go south you wouldn't have any where else to stay. He takes your plate and puts it in the sink.

Y/n: I can wash the dishes
Nic: No you don't have too
Y/n: It's the least I can do, you're letting me stay here and you barely even know me. Not to mention I don't have a job to pay you for rent money
Nic: Don't worry about rent money
Y/n: I cannot stay here and just not pay you
Nic: You can and you will, I'm sorry y/n but I will not accept rent money from you
Y/n: That's not fair to you though. Once I get a job you have to let me help in some way
Nic: You can help with groceries once you get a job
Y/n: Perfect!
Nic: Well I'm exhausted and I'm sure you are too, goodnight and I'll see you in the morning
Y/n: Goodnight Nic, see you in the morning

You went and laid down in your new bed. Your mind was racing with everything that had happened today. From flying to Germany to now living with this stranger that could be a serial killer for all you know. Although he didn't look like a serial killer, he looked nice. And he was nice, he just let you stay here without rent or even knowing you. You concluded that today was crazy and that you needed to rest if you were going to go job hunting and get to know this area a little better. You close your eyes and all you can think about is Nic and how he just across the hall.

Nic Kaufmann Where stories live. Discover now