Chapter 51

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The Beginning of the end, DUH DUH DUUUUUUUHHHHHHH!
But luckily this will be a cute chapter...with a twist!

Dipper and Pacifica are seen reading a story to Mikey. With Dipper Telling the Story and Pacifica using Mickey and Minnie Plush Toys acting out the parts.

"And then Prince Mickey and Princess Minnie got married and lived happily ever after," said Dipper.

Pacifica makes the Toys kiss.

"Yay!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Okay little bro," said Dipper, "Time for bed!"

"No!" Mikey exclaimed, "More stowy!"

"Sorry little guy," said Pacifica, "but, no one can stay awake forever. No matter how hard Mabel Tries."

"I not *yawn* tiwed," said Mikey.

Dipper Picks up Mikey and Places him into his crib.

Dipper tucks Mikey in.

"Here comes Pooh Bear," said Dipper.

Dipper hand Mikey his Pooh Bear Plushie. Mikey then Hugs the Soft toy.

"And Here comes blankie!" Pacifica exclaimed as she drapes Mikey's Blankie over him.

"Can I come in?" Veronica asked outside the room.

"Do your magic mom," said Dipper.

Veronica comes in, gives Mikey a hug and kisses him on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams baby boy," said Veronica.

Veronica then turns on Mikey's Dumbo Mobile, with the peaceful soft version of, "Baby Mine," gently putting Mikey to sleep.

Dipper turns on Mikey's Nightlight as Veronica turns off the bedroom lights.

"Man, we are the king and queen of story time," said Dipper.

They all walk downstairs to see Mabel looking at a scrapbook.

"Oh for crying out loud," said Dipper, "Mabel don't make a scrapbook about you and Mermando."

"Read the cover Dipper," said Mabel.

Mabel shows him the Cover which Dipper reads out loud.

"Mason and Mabel's Baby book," said Dipper, "Oh crap!"

"Relax your girlfriend already knows the Lamby Lamby Dance," said Mabel.

Dipper then Blushes in embarrassment.

"Relax, I felt embarrassed for yah," said Pacifica.

"YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TOO!" Mabel exclaimed, "ugh, I hope Mermando and I don't turn into you two."

"Why are you looking through our Baby book anyway?" Dipper asked, "Also why did you bring it to Gravity Falls?"

"Mom Brought it," said Mabel.

"Hey I tend to bring the weirdest things on vacation," said Veronica.

"Hey, if it helps," said Amelia, "I always Carry a baggy of Goldfish Crackers with me at all times."

"For yourself or for Pacifica?" Veronica asked.

"Yes," said Amelia.

"Anyway why are you looking at our baby book?" Dipper asked.

"Nothing Good on TV and the internet here sucks," said Mabel, "this was my last resort. By the way you were REALLY obsessed with Mickey Mouse."

"I wasn't that obsessed," said Dipper.

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