The Plan

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Sorry for the massive delay in uploading, guys! Here it is, as promised! xxx

Everything fell into place. Hermione began packing immediately, shoving whatever she could into her tiny beaded purse. Ron sat quietly in the corner, sorting through clothes. They knew from their battles with Voldemort that they had to be prepared at all costs. They worked right through the day and most of the night, brainstorming ideas as they ran around the Three Broomsticks' tiny flat. They had Harry's rucksack, and Hermione and Ron's belongings were already packed in the beaded bag from their visit to the Burrow. Aberforth kept out of the way; preferring to mingle downstairs in the bar as business climbed. Occasionally he popped up the stairs with jugs of butterbeer and hot bread, which they enthusiastically tucked into. Eventually, as they finished packing, they seated themselves around the scrubbed wooden table to draw up plans.

"Firstly," Hermione began, "We'll go back to Grimmauld Place. We need to look for any evidence of Ethel, and what happened to her, where she's living now. After that, we'll need to disapparate back to Snape's house. Can you remember the location, Harry?" Harry nodded intently. "Good. We'll need to find as much evidence of Pettigrew's letters as we can. It sounds like he'd been in contact with Ethel for a while."

Finally, Harry spoke.

"Let's do it." A smile spread slowly over Hermione's face, and she began rolling the plans up carefully, slotting them into her beaded bag.

After a hasty lunch of noodles washed down with more butterbeer, they said a fond farewell to Aberforth.

"Thanks so much," murmured Harry, wringing Aberforth's hand. Aberforth gave an approximation of a smile.

"It was nice to see you again, Potter," he mumbled. 

"I never asked," said Harry, suddenly remembering. "Is the DA still going on at Hogwarts?" 

"Nah, no need," answered Aberforth, nodding towards the painting of Ariana over the mantelpiece. Since Minerva McGonagall took up the post of headmistress, everything's bin fine."

Harry's Ron's and Hermione's jaws dropped simultaneously.

"Headmistress?" Squeaked Hermione. "That would make her..."

"Hogwarts' first ever headmistress in the history of it's existence." Finished Harry.

Ron whistled softly. "Blimey!"

Aberforth nodded sincerely. That place is the best it's been since Professor Dippet walked the halls." 

Harry didn't bother to comment that Professor Dippet's influence had produced the darkest wizard to ever walk the earth. Instead, he flashed Aberforth a sincere smile.

"Well, thank you again," Harry concluded, pulling his cloak tighter around him. "Hermione, Ron, you ready?" In clear sign of dismissal, Aberforth unlocked the door for them. 

"Good luck, Potter," he rumbled, as the trio gripped hands. Harry nodded, smiling, as they turned on the spot and disapparated with a loud crack! Aberforth's eyes darkened as he stared at the spot where the trio had stood moments before. "Something tells me you're going to need it."

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