Origin of the Light and Clusters.

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Student1:& student2:* Student3:ç

While Alexandra was explaining of the sacred light works, Reid was thinking why he was a 'chosen one'.
Alexandra: Reid! Don't dream while I explain things to you, I'm not giving lessons this will be necessarily for your survival in future missions. I suddenly thought this isn't just an ordinary school day, I'm not even in school. So I answered rapidly Reid: YES Miss.Alexandra! Alexandra: Good that you understand. So she started talking about the origin of the Sacred Light.

Alexandra: Sacred Light has been formed by three people 216 years ago. When the earth suddenly changed, everything changed the climate, the tree's and animals. But even light changed, well not the light that we generate from electricity. The sunlight changed, the sun blasted tiny atoms of a special and rare light particle called 'Quintra'. And this sort of atom in unique, it has its own gravity and it has a mass of 1,97Kg-
Student3: How can an atom weigh so much!? This is just madness! I feel like I'm being pranked!
Alexandra: Please go back to your sit and I'll explain.The Quintras have an amazing capacity of liquid pressed together,so there is a total of 1,97L in one atom.This liquid isn't just water, it what we call sacred light it is a liquid while being a gas.This gas can only be released by certain types of body's.
Student1: What body does it require Miss? Alexandra: A body with an outstanding rate of neurons. Student3: Why neurons? We already have milliards of them. Alexandra: Well your bodies have hundred times more neurons than the average human body. If you don't have that many neurons the Quintra can't let all the liquid gas (Sacred Light) free in your brains, but when it does it attaches on all neurons and will give you outstanding prowess. Now here begins the good part.Student2: POWERS! Like those superheroes that kids loved in the old world?
Alexandra: No, not like that. Student2: As always... Alexandra:This is much stronger.

Suddenly we were screaming "WE ARE SUPER HUMANS!!!". Alexandra: Calm down, calm down. You need to undergo heavy training to use the Sacred Light safely and efficiently.Reid: Training?
Alexandra: Yes training, you thought you could immediately fly in the sky and shoot beams or something? Reid:Sort of...
Alexandra: Lets just continue how the Quintras attach with the neurons

3 days have passed since then, we understood how the Quintras work and how they attach to our neurons. Miss.Alexandra mentioned a training camp for rookies to start training with Sacred light. The last day of information about Quintras, she called me to speak privately. She said that the Cloud Clusters only happen to certain mentally controlled people with a strong personality. If I would undergo training and mastered the prowess of Sacred Light, a rare event could pop u at any time anywhere. So she said I'll need to watch my surroundings and always be ready. After that I met up with the students, we would have a meeting to go on training camp. If we should run for it or continue. Student1:Hey Charles. (student3)
Student3: Yes Xun Gai (Student1). Xun Gai (student2):We are all of different countries how did they find us all? Student2:They didn't find us, we found them.Xun Gai: What do you mean,Nicolay (student2) Nicolay(student2): Since the sudden change of the world they organized and made this organization, and found this atom 'quintra' in an valley and someone had enogh neurons and got the power. Then they started to lay quintras all around the globe to have new recruits come to them. Xun Gai:Can't people that underwent Sacred Light training do bad things to the world Nicolay:Yes, that's why they have an Anti-Sacred User team or ASU. They have almost 200 thousand staff personnel
and 50 thousand recruits around the globe at this moment. Charles: But we didn't come here for an history lesson and why this organization exists, we are a part of it now so deal with it. After the last phrase everyone was convinced, and were ready to go to the training camp.

~Till next week, the story is reaching its colors. Hope you'll enjoy this amazing adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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