Chapter 3- Sleeping Beauties

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When they reached the pack house, Derek was happy to see that Brian had followed his orders to a "T". The women and children all crowded around in the kitchen, dining room, living room and the game room. All talking and chatter seized as the four men walked through each room until they reached the stairs.

"The pack doctor is already prepared for your arrival," announced Paul from the top of the stairs.

Each one took the stairs slow to keep from injuring the girl sleeping in their arms.

"Thank you, Paul," Derek said once he reached the top. "If you could get the others and meet me in my office in an hour."

Paul bowed and headed down the stairs.

Derek followed the others and again he was happy to see four mattresses lay on the floor. The doctor was just starting to look over Ryan and Jackson's mates.

"These girls are fine. All they need is some rest and a few Aspirins when they wake up." Dr. Steal gestured for them to one of the mattresses and he took a quick glance at Derek and Trevin's mates. "Boys, put them on the bed and step out please, all four of you."

Derek and Trevin both growled threateningly as they glared at the old man. "I am not leaving her," demanded Derek.

Dr. Steal squared his shoulders and pushed them toward the door. "I need you out of the room so I can do my job. These ladies are going to be fine, just be patient." He closed the door once they passed the threshold and he got to work on his two new patients.

A few minutes passed when an older lady of the pack walked up the stairs and into the room with some clean sheets and towels.

Derek took a step to follow right behind her when a hand caught his arm.

"She is going to be alright," stated Jackson matter of factly. "Why don't you go down and call Cassidy and Andrew. They deserve to know what happened and to be here when they wake up."

He looked at the closed door and wished that all the rooms weren't sound proof. He nodded numbly and walked toward the stairs. His shoes felt like cement was poured in them, making it harder and harder for him to move away from his mate. But he forced himself to move. He needed to call her brother and sister-in-law. She deserved to have them here, plus he was positive that they were starting to getting worried about them.

As he walked through the rooms, the women asked him if the girls were going to be alright. Derek calmed their nerves and told them that they would fine. He also asked if they could help and keep the children quiet until they woke up. The women were more than happy to be of help. They split up, a few staying the living room to monitor what they watched, one in the game room to make sure that they weren't playing any violent games, a few in the kitchen to help keep it clean and to help make snacks and make dinner. Derek thanked the women and told them that if they needed anything that they would find him in his office.

Once he reached his office, he headed for his desk and sat down, putting his head in his hands. So much had happened today that Derek had no idea what would happen next. In all of the six years of his Uncle taking over, Derek only thought of attacking him but he never thought he would actually attack him before he took his rightful place. Derek shook his head of the dark thoughts of what he wanted to do to his Uncle and searched his desk for the phonebook that had numbers for all of the pack members.

He found the number under Neilman and quickly dialed the number.

The phone rang twice before a males voice came on the other end.


"No Andrew, this is Derek Diaz."

"Oh Alpha, I'm sorry I was expecting a call from my sister. How can I help you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2013 ⏰

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