Chapter 4- SteelGear Town

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The next day; Jenny, Gazlowe, Claximus and the rest of the IronBolt forces arrived within the outskirts of SteelGear Town.


Jenny:Let's go everyone, I have a feeling were getting close

Claximus:Indeed, SteelGear Town's location lies just up ahead

As they were about to march again, a Mech Knight (which is the new unit introduced in this chapter) rushed towards them.

Mech Knight:Alert! Alert! Requiring Assistance!

Jenny:What seems to be the problem, knight?

Mech Knight:SteelGear Town Is Under Heavy Enemy Advance! The Naga Have Returned!


*shows a vision of a Naga group attacking the SteelGear entrance*

Mech Knight:A Whole Army Has Arrived, Held On A Mission To Terminate Our Home. We Must Hurry Before The Enemy Turns The Town Into Rubble!

Jenny:Then we better act now. Let's go my warriors! We must move to SteelGear Town before it's too late!

Main Quest Discovered:Protect SteelGear Town
-Reach SteelGear Town
-Jenny, Gazlowe, and Claximus must survive

Without hesitation, they make a run for it through the road to the town itself.

But it wasn't easy, along the way were Hydras and Sea Revenants. The fights were short, but wasting time... With little more hope, they finally made it to SteelGear Town.

Jenny saw a number of Ironbolt warrior and their leader fighting against the Naga.

Main Quest Updated:Protect SteelGear Town
-Reach SteelGear Town (Completed)
-Vanquish all Naga invaders
-Jenny, Gazlowe, and Claximus must survive

Leader:Press on, my brethren! If we are to die this day, then let us so with honour!

Jenny and her followers are now assisting the SteelGear Town defenders of fighting off the Naga.

After the encounter, Jenny notices the appearance of the leader;She is also a robot like Jenny but is tall and thin, with green pigtails similar to Jenny's, but straighter, pointier, and more triangular, facing forward, and three insect-like legs that bend outward at the ends. She is typically seen with only one arm. She also had a metal sceptre with a iron cross on top of it, and also has a Cape very similar to Jenny's, a cape with a bolt and iron glove symbol in it. Jenny then was shocked and surprised to realize who it was.



Jenny:Your here. What are you..........

But then they saw the Naga returned, attacking the nearby Oil Refiners

Xj6:Their attacking the food supply! We must stop them!

The group advanced the Naga offenses and won the fight,but them two more waves of Naga groups attacked the two entrances

Robo Bruiser:XJ6, Two More Waves Are Advancing!

Xj6:What? At the Eastern and Southern entrances?! We must drive them back!

The group split directions,the Xj6, Jenny and some defenders defended the western entrance while Gazlowe and Claximus done the southern entrance.

Both were successful but the last, yet massive attack has engaged the entrance behind them.

Xj6:There now attacking from behind!

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