Chapter 5- A Pig-Man Problem (Part 1)

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Three days later, Jenny, Gazlowe and the Ironbolt army arrived at the outskirts of the newly established Quillboar homeland


Jenny and her allies marched along the northern path, but stops to check the directions.

Jenny:According to Misty, the outpost should be located within this region. Careful, my people, there's no telling what the Quillboars had in store for us.

Meanwhile at an Quillboar base....

Quillboar:A robot army has come to Quillboar territory. What should we do?

Quillboar Elite:Get Lord Zar'Mane, He'll know what to do!

Back to Jenny...

Main Quest Discovered:The Outpost
-Locate the Outpost
-Jenny and Gazlowe must survive

The exploration is on, Jenny and her followers fought their way around the outskirts, fighting off many dangers such as Murlocs, Sea Revenants, and Sea Giants. But eventually made it to the outpost, but the entrance is guarded by two Razormane Brutes and a Razormane Medicine Man. The Medicine Man stops Jenny's tracks

Razormane Medicine Man: Stop right there! Only Quillboars and Razormanes are allowed in this town, little robot.

Jenny then tries to lie to them...

Jenny:We.....err.....have come to... deliver a message from your leader. He wishes you to abandon your guard duties and seek him out immediately.

Razormane Medicine Man:He did? Then we must......wait a minute. Zar'Main never gives such orders! Your lying to us!

Gazlowe:Well we tried.

Razormane Medicine Man:You think that we would be that stupid? You would seem to smart once I dismantle your robot parts!

Main Quest Updated:The Outpost
-Locate the Outpost (Completed)
-Slay the Razormane Guards
-Jenny and Gazlowe must survive

The Razormane Guards attack the Ironbolts, the Medicine Man placed a healing ward to keep his guards alive, but Gazlowe quickly dealt the healing ward. The Razormane guards fell to the ground as Jenny and her allies reclaimed the outpost.

Main Quest Completed:The Outpost

Suddenly, Jenny saw more Razormanes coming, but the other one is a huge Razormane with armor shoulder plates and a big golden mace for a weapon. The huge one approaches Jenny and Gazlowe.

Zar'Mane:You are not welcome here puny mongrel! I'm Zar'Mane of the BoarHide, and this is our territory now.

Jenny:With all due respect, Zar'Mane, you and your clan had trespassed our lands and sieged on one of our settlements. As Mistress of the Ironbolts, I request your kin to leave in peace.

Zar'Mane:Ha! I don't take order from you! Me and my people don't take orders from weak pathetic races like you. Whatever we want, We will get.

Jenny was alittle furious at his description of her people...

Jenny:*growls* if you continue to harass us and invading our territory then we will declare war with the BoarHides!

Zar'Mane:Go ahead, little Mistress, I'm not scared of you. If you want to settle the scores, I challenge you to a battle to the death! Meet me at the arena. If you win, you can have your lands back, If you lose, you and your Ironbolts will serve us.

Zar'Mane:Meet me in the arena when you're ready to fight.

After the dilemma, Zar'Mane and his guards left, leaving Jenny and Gazlowe to their taken outpost.

Gazlowe:Are you sure you can fight him alone?

Jenny:I'm not sure. He didn't say I don't have to be by myself to challenge him. Maybe you can help me fight him too.

Gazlowe:Alright then, let's get to it then.

Main Quest Discovered:The Razormane Cheiftain
-Make Jenny and Gazlowe enter the arena

As the base is now running, defenses are building and troops are training, Jenny's army spreads around the outskirts of the outpost, slaying all the hostile creatures in their way.

(Quick A/N- In the in-game perspective, random Ironbolt units spawn and attacks from all the paths, attacking all the creatures in sight. Thank you)

Some of them even sieged a small Razormane outpost.

Razormane:Kill them all!

Eventually, Jenny follows up with her current forces. But she stopped their tracks after she saw two Quillboar by the west roads.

Quillboar:Our Cheiftain ordered us to convince this Pandaren to join us. You with me?

Other Quillboar:Sure, He'll surely join us once we start beating him.

They both left to the west roads...

Gazlowe:Pandaren?! I though their kind only existed in Azeroth.

Jenny:A Pandaren?

Gazlowe:They are intelligent, wise and cunning races of all time, and as obvious, their pandas. And it seems this Pandaren is no friend to the BoarHides. If we can find him, he will certainly join us.

Jenny:It seems like you know some knowledge about this race. Very well, we will go search this pandaren.

Optional Quest Discovered:The Pandaren
-Find the Pandaren

After they removed themselves from hiding, they spotted more of the BoarHides forces to the left.

Jenny:More of these ungrateful bastards. Kill them!

Jenny's army followed her orders and attacked the Quillboar group. After the rough fight, they plan to follow the west roads where the Quillboars headed off. They kept crossing fights with more Murlocs and Sea Elementals. Eventually, they saw the Quillboars from earlier along with a mysterious figure with them.

Quillboar:I telling you one last time, little panda. Join us!

Pandaren Brewmaster:You wretched pig swines did nothing but disrespect the land and bring hatred among yourselves. I never join your clan!

Quillboar:Then perish!

The Quillboars and and Pandaren began fighting each other.

Optional Quest Updated:The Pandaren
-Find the Pandaren (Completed)
-Slay all nearby Quillboars
-Pandaren must survive

Jenny and her group followed up and attacked the Quiilboars. The Pandaren took alot of damage from the Quillboars, so Gazlowe used his healing salve on the Pandaren while in combat. The Quillboars were then killed and the Pandaren was saved.

Pandaren:Ah thank you, strangers. I though those pig creatures had me there. I'm Chen Stormstout, a Pandaren brewmaster.

Jenny:Hi there, Chen. I am Jenny Wakeman and this is Gazlowe. We are here to put an end to the BoarHides, and we could use your help on defeating their cheiftain.

Chen:It will be an honour. These pig swines creatures gotten too violent for it's own good.


To Be Continued......

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