chapter 2:Bankruptcy

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"Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."(Al-Qura'n 2:286).

Sink me in,if you have the courage greater than mine.

*Airah was standing at the window side to check up on his brother-Arhan if he has arrived from his college,he was 3 years elder to her and was in  final year of his degree.

"Did Arhan arrived?"Mom asked from the other end.

"Not yet."I replied while hooking my eyes on the road.
The lights were dim in the drawing room  as no one was here this time and I came only to check up on big bro-the only sibling I owned.I turned around to take my steps near the veranda which covers a distance of 10 seconds to the living room and I was interrupted with horrified gazes coming along my way without warning, I ran towards living room seeing him and he stood blocking my path, the light was dimm and I couldn't recognise his face accurately due to the extremeness of twilight but I was quite sure it was him. I managed to clear the path from his side and ran to the living room, he was sitting on the chair and smiling evilly as if I owed him,I ran to my uncle asking refuge from him and he just layed on couch relaxing and took her 3-yrs old daughter in his lap and said coolly,
"I'll help you If my daughter orders me to "
I was taken aback by his gesture but nonetheless I went to the other side while he was following me I ran to my Mumma urged her for help before thinking at least once my mom threw a cup at him which  injured his forehead.
"I will not spare you"was his words in agitation,while these words were echoing in my ears I opened my eyes.It was all dark,nothing was visible to my eyes and then I realised it was not the reality it was a Dream..No, A Nightmare!!.
I was freezed not able to move even an inch, not even my finger could spare itself a movement the only thing which was able to assist itself was my brown orbs,moving to and fro to release self.
It took me about 5 whole minutes to collect myself and Alhmdulillah I uttered اعوذبالله من الشيطان الرجيم and spitted lightly three times in the air to the left side and lied in that position for about 7 minutes,his cold voice, his French beard, his evil eyes,his ironical gazes were the things passing in front of me at that very moment,even though I cannot see him clearly who he was but these memories clashed my way.
It was latenight 4,that movement I found a spark of courage and got up ,made wudhu and laid down the prayer mat and performed two rakahs of nafil as we were instructed to do this every time we have a night mare for the coolness of our mind and soul.I did exactly the same thing, made Du'a and poured my heart out and asked Allah his refuge from these night mares,the only refuge which could comfort me the fullest,the only way where I need to escape, the only shelter where I could survive not just survive LIVE.
Her courage was not in her words it lived in her soul.

Mizna- Are you going to join us at the dinner Airah?

Airah- Probably not.

Fatima ishaq- And what makes you say that*angry*we know you don't join us for dinner at restaurants bcz of the crowd it consists of,but this restaurant is full of peace and it suits your austerity.

Airah-I didn't mean that, I am not in a mood  of any outings today.

Probably bcz of the nightmare I had.

Aiza- why are we supposed to argue over this, she is going to come and that's the end of conversation*like a boss*

Airah-I have no idea from where and when did I fell in contact with you stupids like how are you just ordering me!?*uff*

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