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Even POV....

I'm walking in the corridor when a group of guys blocked my way..

Even: excuse me. I'm late...
Guy: are you Even Choi?
Even: yes...
Guy: you are exempted. The military general wanted you to enlist..
Even: a girl? Who are you?
Guy: the platoon captain Robin Lee.

What enlistment is this? I didn't signed up or what...

Captain Robin: get her!

Two guys move beside me and place a handkerchief... it's chloroform!


I woke up inside a room wearing a BDA... Then the speaker turned on...

Announcer: Move to the hall! Everyone in the hall!

Then the door automatically opened and I see everyone rushing to the hall but I am only standing at the door...

Announcer: the last one who come will have a punishment.

Are they kidding me? Punishment on first day? They kidnapped us for this?

I started to walk up to the hall when I notice one thing... The blood on the floor.... I realize that they get killed when they open the door...

Even: atop running it's a trap!

They all looked at me...

Guy: what do you mean?
Even: look at the floor!

They all look at the floor...

Guy2: what is this?
Even: blood from the hall..
Guy3: who are you?
Even: you don't need to know me. Let's find the real hall...

They all follow me and enter the hall...

Captain Robin: finally... You are all late.
Even: then don't put some trap!
Captain Robin: who told you to answer?

I keep silence because that's what he wanted...

Captain Robin: change with this..

Then give us new set of clothes...

Captain Robin: change..

I raise my hand...

Captain Robin: why?
Even: only girl will change here?
Captain Robin: You see that door?
Even: yes!

I started to walk when I realize that they will not easily point out what we need...

Even: why not tell me the truth?
Captain Robin: you realize that?
Even: of course! I rather strip here than being killed by the door...

He is laughing while I started to strip...

Captain Robin: not in front of the boys!
Even: first rule, don't think sexual about your comrades!
Captain Robin: you figure out the first rule!

They keep in discussing the rules....

Captain Robin: now go to canteen and eat lunch... No trap this time because you are all passed and it's food we are talking about... Congrats to the 8 of you...

We go to canteen and see that they are eating in group...

Guy: you are the only girl survivor?
Guy5: you can be our leader.
Even: it's not good to see a girl leading boys..
Guy7: but girls can drive....
Guy6: stop that! First rule!

I just get my meal...

Even: eat up. This maybe our last meal...


After we eat...

Guy: let's introduce ourselves. I'm Jiggy.
Guy2: Shiyoon.
Guy3: Harold.
Guy4: Sam.
Guy5: Troy.
Guy6: Norman.
Guy7: James.
Even: Even...
Sam: nice to meet you.
Troy: thank you for saving us..

We continue to eat when Captain Robin speak...

Captain Robin: join the class 129. You have lecture kit on your bedding...

Then he leave...

James: let's go!

We dispose our meal and go to our room...

Norman: be careful guys maybe it's a trap...
Even: no trap this time...
Sam: are you sure?
Even: yes...

We get our lecture kit...

Shiyoon: Let us sit beside each other...

I just let them do what they want and sit at the back....


Instructor: and that's how you assemble a gun... now do it yourself...

I start assembling the gun... As soon as I am done I hit the bell...

Instructor: halt! Everyone hands up!

We raised our hands...

Instructor: the girl at the back... can you assemble the gun?
Even: yes sir!
Instructor: then show us...

I stand up to go in front and assemble the gun...

Even: a missing piece...
Instructor: it's complete...

I go to my classmates table and get what is the missing part... As soon as I attached the piece, I loaded it with bullets and point it to our instructor...

Even: no one can use gun without trigger..
Instructor: put it down...

I press the safety button and pass it to him..

Instructor: impressive! Be like her! You are all undergo this training so all of you can graduate as secret agents...

He proceed to discuss another gun and parts....


Jiggy: how can you do that?
Troy: want to be like her? Then practice...

Then this Norman guy...

Norman: would you like to have a coffee after we graduated here?
James: dude!
Norman: is it bad to invite her to drink coffee?
Even: if all of us survived here, why not...

Then I continue walking to my room...


Norman POV.....

James: wow! Nice move!
Shiyoon: yeah! Nice move! Do you think we can all survived the test mission?
Sam: negative mindset is not allowed here...
Norman: we will all survived and graduated here...


It's night when I see her walking...

Norman: hi!
Even: hi!
Norman: cannot sleep?
Even: yeah! I need milk..
Norman: I hope you rest well..
Even: thanks!

Then she smile... It's cute...


Even POV.....

It's a new day but still here in the secret quarters....

Harold: let's play a game...
Troy: what game?
Harold: that's the problem...

I continue reading the booklet they provide for us... it's about guns on our first class...

Even: you guys know how to assemble the guns stated here in the booklet?
Sam: we don't need to know that! I'm planning to be a chef after all...
Troy: being a photographer is not a bad ambition...
Harold: a choreographer is better than this...
Jiggy: that's true...
Shiyoon: being a worker earns enough money is enough for me...
Norman: teacher is the best for me...

They all have simply plan for their future...

James: what about you?
Even: to be a teacher, choreographer, chef and a little bit of being photographer that earns enough...
Norman: a summary of our plans...
Even: but I think we need to pass everything so we can escape here....

They all looked at me and smile...

Sam: we will all graduate!

It's a great motivation for us...

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