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(Clark flew for a long time before eventually ending up at the Kent farm, he walked through the corn field towards the house, he closed his eyes and sighed, letting the familiar breeze and surroundings calm him)

(He made his way to the house and knocked on the door very gently, his mom answered the door and gasped when she saw him, he stood there in the suit and cape with a gentle smile which she could tell didn't quite reach his eyes)

Martha: "Clark!" (She gave him a hug which provided Clark with more strength than the sun could ever bring him)

Clark: "Hi Mom."

(A few minutes later Clark and Martha were walking around the backyard catching up)

Martha: "So the house has been mostly rebuilt. The damage could have been much worse but lucky you were there."

Clark: "I don't know if I'd call it that."

Martha: "Clark what's wrong? You know I can always tell when something's bothering you."

(Clark sighed and looked off in the distance as he spoke)

Clark: "Mom do you think this world would have been better off if I never landed here?"

Martha: "Clark Joseph Kent what kind of question is that?"

Clark: "It's just that..Metropolis...none of that would have happened if it weren't for me."

Martha: "You can't possibly blame yourself for that. You're not responsible for the actions of your people."

Clark: "Maybe not but I led them here. Zod told me I sent a signal from the scout ship. I caused all of this."

Martha: " can't control everything. No one can. Whether or not you can fly and shoot lasers.."

Clark: "Heat vision." (Clark corrected with a slight grin)

(Martha smiled)

Martha: "..if you're doubting yourself for mistakes made in the past..maybe you should try and make up for that by doing everything you can to make a better future."

Clark: "But what if they don't want my help?"

Martha: " to be them. Whether they want your help or not they've got it. And I matter'll always do the right thing. It won't always be easy but nothing worth fighting for ever is."

(A slow smile spread over Clark's face as the meaning of his mother's words sunk in, He knew what he needed to do now, he knew who he was, he wasn't Kal El the stranger from a distant planet nor was he Clark Kent small town Kansas farm boy...he was Superman)

Superman: "Thanks mom."

(Martha returned his smile as Superman shot up into the sky, startling Martha)

Martha: "Guess that's gonna take some getting used to."

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