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Lois: "Hi. Lois Lane. Welcome to the Planet."

(Clark beamed at her and replied)

Clark: "Glad to be here, Lois."

(They shared a deep smile, both understanding what this meant)

Lois: "Chief!"

(Perry sighed and turned around)

Perry: "What is it now, Lane?"

Lois: "Would you mind if I show Mr Kent here around? You know give him the grand tour?"

Perry: "Whatever gets you out of my hair, Lane."

Lois: "Yes sir." (She said a little too joyfully making Clark fail to suppress a chuckle)

Perry: "And Lois."

(Lois looked back at Perry)

Perry: "Remember Kent's new here. Be gentle with him."

Lois: "Oh don't worry about that, Chief. I'm sure Mr Kent is a lot tougher than he looks."

(She eyed Clark with a knowing glance which made Clark's heart soar so high it broke the sound barrier)

(Perry nodded and headed back to his office, Lois immediately grabbed Clark by the arm and led him down the hall into a janitor's closet)

(Before Clark could process what was happening Lois's lips were on his, she kissed him passionately as he returned the favor)

(Once their lips seperated they both took a big breath, even Superman's lung capacity was no match for Lois Lane)

Lois: "It took everything I had to keep my hands off you when I first saw you."

Clark: "You mean when I shot you with my..." (He cleared his throat and Lois giggled)

Clark: "..heat vision?"

Lois: "As much fun as that was..I meant just now when you showed up all dressed up, your hair all neat and...these."

(She took his glasses off and looked into the eyes of the man she fell for, the man who saved her life several times, the man who saved the world)

Clark: "Guess they didn't fool you."

Lois: "Nope. But I think it's safe to assume that nobody else has gotten as much...face time as I have."

Clark: "You may be on to something, Miss Lane."

(They shared another grin and she kissed him again)

Lois: "So..what exactly is your plan here? Just start working here and hope no one figures out who you are?"

Clark: "I wanted to find a way to be in the middle of the action. To know what's going on in Metropolis the minute something happens. Essentially a job that allows me to blend in and be..normal. Which in turn will help me with my other job."

Lois: "Wow. So why the Daily Planet? You could have gotten a job anywhere."

Clark: "Why would I go anywhere else..when you're here?"

(Lois beamed at him)

Lois: "Okay we should probably get going. We can't have Perry catching us. He's all about keeping a professional work environment. He'd kill me if he found out about us."

Clark: "You know I'd never let that happen."

(Lois smiled again and placed her hands on his face)

Lois: "Of course I do." (She gazed into Clark's eyes thoughtfully)

Lois: "You know..I heard the military guys came up with a name for you. You know the other you with the cape."

Clark: "Oh yeah? Well what is it?"

Lois: "Actually I came up with it first but we didn't get to finish that conversation. Remember I asked you what the S stood for?"

Clark: "It's not an.."

(Lois put her hand on his mouth silencing him)

Lois: "It stands for Superman."

(She removed her hand from his mouth as a slow grin spread over Clark's face)

Clark: "Hmm. Superman. I suppose I've been called worse names. Do you think it'll stick?"

(Lois's smile widened)

Lois: "..I've got a pretty good feeling about it."

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