Chapter One: A Girl from the Plains

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  On the plains of Sacae, the mornings brought the area alive. The great fields of grass stretched on as far as the eye could see while the tall blades of grass danced in the wind. The morning sun peaked above the horizon line, casting its brilliant warm glow upon every living creature it touched.

  A tall, slim, and slightly muscular girl with long green hair pulled up into a pony tail ran across the plains. She allowed herself a small childish laugh, like the ones she would've laughed long ago. The plains were her home. Her love.

  Lyn had always loved the plains. Her father had taught her the important art of swordplay and her mother had ensured she possessed the knowledge to survive in any scenario. Her people, the Lorca, had been her people. Her family. 

  Then the bandits had come. They had taken everything from her those six months ago. If only she hadn't been so young. If only her tribe hadn't been so old-fashioned. Perhaps they would have listened to her. Perhaps she could have saved them.

  She sighed and slowed to a walk. Not now. She thought to herself. Worrying about the past, regretting things, it won't change anything. I just need to keep looking to the future. I just wish... I wish it wasn't so lonely here. But perhaps that is a selfish wish. I need to focus on surviving. Allowing myself to be free like this, it's careless.

  Lyn turned from the rising sun and set off to return to her small tent which she called home. It was perhaps a twenty minute walk from where she was at most. Her carelessness had allowed her to wander off, leaving her home to the possible attacks of the bandits which came so frequently from the Bern Mountains.

  About halfway to her tent, Lyn noticed a figure beneath the only for a good while on the Sacea plains. It appeared to be sleeping. She approached with caution, lest it be a bandit. Upon closer inspection, it, or rather she, appeared to be a traveler. She had short chocolate colored hair that fell to her shoulders in a fluffy mess. She wore a green cloak and green tunic with brown pants and dark brown boots. She was evidently unconscious.

  She can't be that dangerous. She doesn't even have a weapon on her. I must at least take care of her until she regains consciousness and is well enough to travel on her own. Lyn thought. She lifted the stranger with ease and set off for her home.


  The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was long green hair. Then she realized the hair was attached to a head and the head to a body, the body of a girl in blue dress-like attire. She moved slightly, causing her head to begin to throb. She groaned, causing the girl to turn to face her.

  "Are awake?" The girl asked. "I found you unconscious on the plains. I am Lyn, of the Lorca tribe. You're safe now. Who are you?"

  What was is my name? Everyone had to have a name right? So why does mine elude me so? She thought, staring at Lyn, squinting her eyes.

  "Can you remember your name?" Lyn asked kindly.

  Robin. The single word came into her mind, holding some significance in some long forgotten part of her mind.

  "Robin." She said, rubbing her head, hoping to ease the pain.

  "Your name is Robin? What an odd sounding name... but pay me no mind. It is a good name. I see by your attire that you are a traveler. What brings you to the Sacae plains? Would you mind sharing your story with me?"

  What is my story? I remember nothing. What do I tell her? Robin wondered. I remember it is not good to forget about yourself. Perhaps I can stall until I remember?

Sparks of Fire (A Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade Novelization) HIATUSWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt