Chapter 1

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My first time in London. I was all by myself, I was like the luckiest person on earth, finally I was the place I wanted to visit for such a long time. I was exploring the city, did a little bit of sightseeing and went to watch the X Factor. I was so happy to see some talented people perform there and see them living my dream. I bought my ticket a long time ago and met my friend I knew through fangirling over a band. We just decided to meet each other and watch the X Factor together. We enjoyed the show and just sat there but then something happened we didn't expect. The band we both loved so much was there. They performed their new single and it was buzzing! We didn't get to meet them nor get an autograph of them but we were just happy to saw them perform because we like knew where they would perform next but it was a huge surprise. However, the show was over and we went to our hotel. My friend was from northern England and I was from Germany so I had to travel a bit to get there. The next day, we went to see football, I had to convince her because she actually didn't like football that much but it was my favourite german team who had a game against Chelsea in Wembley.

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