f o u r t y - f i v e

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nova's pov :


he honks to catch my attention and i see him chuckle once i jump back. i laugh at my myself, slightly shaking my head and walking over to his car.

"no, no wait!" he shouts and holds his hand out for me to stop walking

i chuckle and step back from his car, backing up with my hands in defense. he runs out of his car, coming to my side and opening up the door. he bows teasingly and motions for me to get in.

i chuckle and whisper a 'thank you,' getting into the black leathered car with him closing my door and running back to his side.

"you seem like you aren't the type to be into cheesy things." he states, out of breath from running

"ya. i'm not." i chuckle

"noted." he smiles

"see that?" he asks

"that painting?"

"mhm. it's my favorite." he grins

"why?" i tilt my head and smile at his change of mood once he mentioned the art piece

he breaths in and out, still with a huge smile plastered across his face. grabbing my hand, he pulls me close and walks us closer to the art piece.

"i don't know i guess it just... it's special to me."

"you sure? i mean... you sure it isn't anything else?" i ask curiously

he looks at me for a brief second and back at the art piece. his grip on my hand tightens and he takes a deep breath before speaking.

"my mum."

he looks back at me for an answer but i just send him a reassuring smile to let him continue.

"she uhm... she was a big fan of art. she got me into it and she always talked to me about this piece. she never even knew why she loved it so much. she just said it was special to her for some reason."

i rest my head on his shoulder, snuggling close to him and he looks down at me and sends me a smile, looking back at the piece.

"she loves you very much; wherever she is."

my eyes look up to meet his and he smiles once he hears my statement, making me chuckle lightly.

"can i take you to my favorite shop?"

"i have to be back at the hotel soon. my best friend is-"


i chuckle at his pout and i nod, making him jump in excitement. he grabs my hand and we run to the car.

"amazing, right?"

i nod and my eyes roll back at the taste of the donut.

"this is so good!" i shout with my mouth full of dough and sugar

he chuckles at me but nods, agreeing.

"i'm sorry." i blush and cover my mouth, still chewing

he shakes his head and lowers down my hand from my mouth and smiles.

"you don't have to be embarrassed eating in front of me nova. everyone eats. you're not an alien."

i chuckle and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, blushing even harder.

"we need to get you to the hotel right?"

on que, my ringer goes off and i look down at my phone, shaking from the vibrations that were on. tyler looks down at my phone, smiles, and nods. he points at his car outside and i nod, letting him know i'll be there in a little bit.

he walks out the donut shop, making the bell ring when he opens up the door and i answer the call.

"nova! where are you?"

"ethan. i'm still with tyler."

i hear him deeply sigh across the phone and i chuckle.

"what's wrong?"

"i miss you."

i flush a dark deep red and my heart flutters but i quickly push away those feelings and clear my throat.

"i'm coming to the hotel right now so-"

"wait... really?!"

"yes ethan. now-"

"yay! i love you! ok bye! i miss you! i'll see you soon!"

"ethan! i-"

he hangs up and i sigh, setting down my phone on the white clothed table and resting my head on my plams of my hands.

"... love you too."

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