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Brandon shrunk backwards on his chair. His glare directed at the glass name on top of the wooden table. He was fine. He didn’t really need help. He was doing fine, all by himself. He can perfectly conceal his wounds.

Doctor Crawford stared at Brandon. She observed him through her hooded eyes. “You are Brandon, am I right?” she asked.

Brandon nodded.

“So why don’t you tell me why you are here?”

“I guess, I was… Honestly, I don’t need this.” he mumbled, bitterly.

He stood up, not wanting anything to do with the woman in front of him. Yes, she is a licensed PhD, who could help him. Yet, his stubborn mind refuses to listen.

“Brandon, just hear me out. I’m not here to judged you, or pity you. I’m here to listen to you. Your mom is worried about you.”

 Letting out a sigh he sat back on his chair. His eyes suddenly took interest on the marbled floor. “I think my mom just wanted me to feel better.”

“You don’t think you can?” she asked.

Brandon shook his head, “I don’t know… I can’t. Have you ever found the one person, you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? That one person, you see yourself grow old with. The only person you wanted to start a family with.”

Dr. Crawford stared at him, listening quietly as he continued. 

“She’s the one.” He said, through clench teeth. “I can’t let her go, or let my memories of her fade. I won’t ever feel the same.” Brandon’s body started to shook. “And she’s dead because of me. Do you understand that? She’s dead because of me, and I’ll regret that for the rest of my life.”

“Give it a time.” Dr. Crawford probed, “It’s slow when it’s painful. But, it helps. Talking helps, going out with your friends helps. Surrounding yourself with people who cares helps.”

“Do you think it’s possible, that it can heal the all the pain?”

“Yes. It is. If you believe, and you trust yourself you can. One day, when you wake up, you’ll see yourself smiling again, free from all the sufferings you had gone through.”

Those words, little by little had been imprinted inside Brandon’s mind. And, he did.

Baby steps, not in one big leap but he started slowly. One step at a time.

At least, he thought he did.

Until, one day he met Erin.  

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