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"Dylan I swear to god! Leave me alone or I will call the cops!" Charlotte yelled, walking briskly away from the young man who had decided to wait for her outside of her place of work.

"Would you just listen to me!? Please!?" He begged.

He grabbed her arm, turning her around quickly.

"Don't touch me," she snapped, shaking out of his grip.

He clenched his jaw and stayed standing in front of her, giving her no space to walk anywhere.

Fear took over her as she realized she was by herself with this man in the dark, on an abandoned street. She knew better than to make him mad while they were alone.

"What could you possible have to say? I'm sorry that I broke your heart? I'm sorry I used you for sex? I'm sorry I was cheating on you when your brother was in a fucking coma!?"

He stayed staring at her, not responding.

She scoffed and tried to pass him, although he stood in her way once again.

"Let me pass," she demanded, glaring up at him.

He shook his head quickly, instead trapping her between his arms and the wall.

"I'll call Thomas an-"

"Oh yeah, fucking call perfect Thomas. He'll rush to the rescue as always, saint Thomas here to save the day!" He snarled.

He pursed his lips, trying to control his anger, but then hit the wall behind them.

She jumped and moved out of his way, afraid of what he might do to her. "What is your problem?" She yelled.

He scoffed, "Whats my problem? What's your problem?"

"My problem is that you won't let me go home."

He rolled his eyes, gripping her forearm tightly, "If Thomas is so great then why is he letting you walk home alone in the dark?"

She couldn't help but glare at him, "He's not my fucking mother. He doesn't have to take care of me. And don't touch me," she snapped, shoving his hand off of her.

He clenched his jaw, "Whatever, just go fuck Thomas, which you were probably doing through our relationship anyway."

She gasped loudly as he began to walk away from her. "Are you kidding me? You're the one who cheated on me!"

He shrugged, giving her a sarcastic smirk, "Honestly, Conor would be better off if he never woke up. Then at least he wouldn't have to deal with your shit." 

She felt anger consume her as she marched up to him and mustered up all of the strength that she had in her to punch him in the face.

"Trust me, when he wakes up I don't doubt he'll be kicking your ass."

She stormed off and left him standing there, dumbfounded.

"Yeah, walk away, stupid slut," he shouted after her.

She walked faster, tears rushing down her face, until eventually she made it back to her apartment.

She wiped her yes and took a deep breath before entering, trying to look as though she wasn't crying. She didn't know how he could say something like that, and she felt sick to the stomach that she had dated someone like him.

"Yo Thomas- you're not Thomas," a voice grunted.

She looked up at Preston and rolled her eyes, "We have got to start locking that door."

He raised his eyebrows at her from his position on the couch.

"At least take your feet off of the table," she complained.

Falling for my roommateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon