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Third person p.o.v:

Looking at the falling figure of the boy, V reacted fast and pulled Jungkook by the hand he was holding him with, putting the other hand in front of Jungkook's chest.

V's p.o.v :

My heart almost stopped when Jungkook tripped over that branch, but now that he is fine, fine in my arms happiness filled my heart.

He is cuter up close, I never thought I will ever feel this kind of feelings, but I want to protect him from every danger in the world.

I just met him today, but I have the feeling of wanting to know him more, wanting him to be mine, wanting him to only look at me.

'Do I have feelings for him? No that's impossible, it can't be, can it?' I thought looking in his clear brown eyes.

Jungkook's p.o.v :

V hyung is really handsome, I didn't notice that earlier when we were talking, but he is more handsome than papa, and papa is a really handsome man, more handsome than actors!

Oh, he is so pretty, he has a mole on his nose, his skin is shiny and clear, his lips are rosy too ,his hair looks so nice, I want to touch it, his eyes are so captivating....... Wow.

Third person p.o.v :

As both of them are lost in each other eyes,
the lights turned on in Jungkook's house, and the sound of a door opening could be heard along with someone's footsteps.

"What is going on here?" Jeonhyun said looking intensely at his son and 'who knows who' ( V ) technically hugging while staring at each other.

"Papa" Jungkook said excitedly, getting away from V's side, and running to his father's side, hugging him, as he missed him and his mama, after being away from them for such a long time.

"So kookie, who is this man?And what were you doing with him?" Jeonhyun said looking between his son and the said male.

"Ohhh, this is V hyung, I met him at the park." Jungkook said, smiling cheerfully at his father.

"What did I tell you about talking to strangers?" Jeonhyun said scolding his son.

"But ,but V hyung is not a stranger, I know him." Jungkook said pouting.

"Did you know him before talking to him?" Jeonhyun said, trying to calm his nerves, the thoughts of his son being possibly kidnapped still playing in his head.

"No, but.....but he is nice. " Jungkook said puffing his cheeks, pouting.

"How did you know that?" Jeonhyun said raising his eyebrows .

"I saw it on his face." Jungkook said, still arguing with his father.

As they were still arguing, ten feet away from them, was V standing awkwardly wondering if he should go home or explain himself to Jungkook's father. Deciding on the last, he approached the father son duo and said: "Excuse me sir, but I'm not a bad person, I wasn't going to do anything bad to your son, I wouldn't even if I had the chance. So rest assured." V said matter of fact.

"Was I talking to you? No, so don't talk, you are coming next. Jungkook get inside." Jeonhyun said to his son while glaring at V .

" Okay, bye bye V hyungie, let's meet again at the park tomorrow." Jungkook said, smiling cheekily.

"Okay, kookie. See you soon, hopefully very soon." V replied smiling towards Jungkook.

Then V turned around looking at Jungkook's father, while bowing his head slightly.

"Listen here, I will allow you and Jungkook to meet, because I want him to get to know new people and socialize. Plus, he seems to really like you. Anyway, I will do my researches about you. And , if you ever hurt him or make him sad, you have to look behind you at night, you never know who will come after you. Did I make myself clear? " Jeonhyun said in a deep voice.

"Yes sir " V said doing a soldier salute.

"Good, now leave, and don't come back anytime soon." Jeonhyun said dismissing him.

"Yes sir. " V said bowing 90 degrees to the father, then turned to leave.

"Wait. One more thing, you never bring back my son and I repeat never ever bring my son after 9 p.m. And we will discuss further in this matter." Jeonhyun said in a serious tone.

"Of course sir" V said, still standing in his place.

"Do you need an invitation to leave?" Jeonhyun said.

" Ah, no no . You don't need to bother yourself with one, I am leaving. " V said leaving the scene.

And Jeonhyun entered his new house.

Bye 🌸💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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