7-Magma and Manantial

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After a couple of days in which they followed Fern in intermittent silent, fearing that their whispers may leave a trail for pursuit. They hardly stopped to eat or drink, only when night fell did they hide away to rest and resume their pilgrimage as soon as the rays of sun peaked through the foliage. They had long since separated from the river which split the forest. They couldn't risk being out in the open. Even if it was brief,, none of us wanted to go near the body of water due to the memories it held. Joel in particular had a darker look in his eyes whenever the silence in the forest let us hear the running water.

I was overwhelmed by guilt as we carried on, they could've been safe had it not been for my presence. I was a risk to all of them. This thought gnawed on my neck for the whole trek

The three of us stumbled upon a small body of water in which a broad waterfall came to an end. The shower of the waterfall made a wonderful rainbow and amidst the rocky shore sat two fae. I did not fear these two ladies. They were like me, yet unlike me. The two were fae but sheltered by other elements. A fire fae with her diadem of flame, dress of embers. A water fae, clear eyed and dark hued skin which reflected blue. A waterfall covered her.

"Well, aren't you three an odd bunch." Scoffed the fire fae with fiery pride in her black eyes. The water fae chuckled gently and laid her hand on the sizzling skin of her incandescent partner. "Mind your tongue Igna, they look like a pleasant bunch."

The water fairy spoke like the slow whispers of a creek; her voice could soothe a volcano. Essentially, it did, the fire fairy turned with tender eyes to her partner and nodded silently. Joel stepped forward, "may we have a drink? We've been traveling for so long without rest..." the boy asked, almost pleaded.

Fern nodded with their usual enthusiasm. The water fairy responded in a gentle, elegant, nod. Fern bolted dragging Joel by his hands. I smiled feeling my chest warm up at the sight of the two. I strolled forward to the shore of the small pool, the fire fairy's eyes never strayed from us. The water flowed calmly here but all of us felt our hair prickle as we approached the shore. Our hands hesitant as the scooped the cold and crisp water. The fire fae's gaze at my back like the rays of the sun itself. The heat licked at my back and made shudder as I drank gulping down the refreshing spring water.

"We haven't seen many wanderers like you around here, such a... unique group." Her words were strung smoothly but carefully, we were a weird bunch. The water fairy was attempting to inquire as politely as she could but it was a hard question to word politely. "We are on our way to meet mother, we have a wish we would like her to grant us."

The blue fairy's glaciar eyes shone brightly with curiosity. "You really believe the Martyr still walks among us?"

The fire fairy scoffed,"She abandoned us long ago." Her remark was met with a glare from the languid partner who stop kicking her feet in the water. "Magma. That's too far." The fire fairy, Magma shrunk under her gaze and apologized to her. This time Fern chimed in, as someone who was personally created by mother just days ago, they would not keep quiet at such comment. "The mother still walks among us. She watches over all of us even as we speak!!"

We all looked around the desolate clearing, only the wind could be heard. That was certainly an ominous comment; yet the water fairy remained unconvinced. She seemed almost amused by the fear mongering comment. It was safe to bet that sharing a home with wind fae one becomes immune to all type of trickery by putting their trust in a hole and burying it. It was a defense mechanism all creatures must learn at some point. "Let's say she is indeed watching over you, why has she not assisted in your journey? You look mighty haggard for some pilgrims in their way to God's embrace." She said with a lilting giggle.

"Mana, that's enough, my love. Fools will always remain fools." The fire fairy took the other's hand and brought it up to her lips, brushing then on her knuckles with a tender look on her eye even with her scalding words. Fern was livid by the look of it. Their eyes had turn into nigh invisible slits and their nose scrunched up to reveal thin, needle like, fangs. I could tell Joel was taken aback by this display, to an extent so was I. We didn't believe them of expressing such emotions, we trusted that they were the positivity in our group. Realizing my selfish thoughts I scolded myself how could foolishly believe they were incapable of sadness and contempt.

I reached out for their hand and smiled at them, easing their frazzled leaves which rustled creating a hiss. "You know she's real, she created you. We believe you, Fern."

Joel nodded taking their other hand. He turned and shakily smiled at the two fairies, "Thank you for the water but we shall be on our way now." He spoke, insecure. The fire fae shrugged while the water fae waved elegantly. We walked away.


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