3-Misfortune and Misfits

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I fluttered inside my little cabin and threw open my chest of found objects. It had become a collection of things fae or human lost in the woods and never came back for. Whether it was weapons or little knick knacks if it caught my eye and no one came to get it the object became part of my collection. A large part of it where the cloths. They were such curious things.

Most of the cloths in my collection were stripped of bones that had never been found or fished out of rivers that dragged them far away. They were of little use to me as most hindered flying and the others would damage my wings. I admired their beauty: the bright colors reminiscent of the spring blooms, the intricate and minuscule drawings sewn on to the very fabric. It was amazing!

There were also these odd but comfortable clothes that had none of the beauty of the masterful garments which I adored but were visibly cumbersome. The others were all earthy tones, sometimes scratchy fabric and simple cuts for human limbs. They did help keep me warm even if I just buried myself under them.

"T-these are all clothes?! I didn't even have this many when I was-...." His sudden pause made me turn to witness that ever present crestfallen expression of his. I dropped the wheat colored tunic and stepped over to him. I covered his eyes and embraced the boy. I had no words to console him, there was no consolation for his pain besides time.

His small body shook with grief larger than himself as he caved into my embrace letting himself pour all that grief unto to my bosom. I will be there to hold it all for him. I will hold my friend and his pain for as long as he needs me too.


"Micah that's not how that goes!" The boy's pouting lips curled up at the corners but an inch. I looked up from the hole I was putting my head through. "I can't wear it properly due to my wings. Yours are strong and can be forced through a whole if need be but mine are as delicate as they look."

"O-oh I'm sorry I-I didn't know." His expression are as truthful as he is, the tiny smile turned into utter guilt. I laughed tucking my head into the slack's hole and taking my hair out. "Fret not little one, you only had good intentions and that's commendable."

I was decent and hungry so I invited Joel to forage with me. I wasn't much for hunting or eating meat. "Joel do you favor meat or nuts? I can help you hunt if you'd like."

"I am better at fishing, do you like fish?" My face scrunched up, "I've tried eating fishes but the scales stayed in my mouth for days: blegh"

"Y-you ate the fish raw?! With scales?!" His eyes lit up with humor as he stared at me flabbergasted. That's not how you eat them? Human are always full of surprises. "If I eat them how your kin makes them will it taste better?"

"Infinitely so, yes." He let out a small chuckle as I helped him go down from our base. I held his hands as he glided down, instructed him when to flap and when to hold them spread. He was an avid listener and honest with the things he didn't understand, it was nice having someone who listened to me. "Do you wish to learn how to fly amidst the trees or take a pleasant stroll in the woods?"

"I don't think I can fly with all these trees in the way, my wings are um very big."

"That doesn't mean much, you just need to learn how to maneuver them right. But let's walk." He held my hand in his as I guided him through the misty forest bathed in the golden light of dusk slicing through the trunks of the imposing trees. I took us to a creek were fishes skipped above of the water without much care and sweet fruits grew all around. "I'll let you handle the fishes, I do not trust my ability with them, you see?"

"Don't worry, I'll let you do the gathering since I'm pretty sure I'll eat something poisonous if it was up to me." He chuckled rolling up the sleeves of his dirt brown tunic and doing the same with his brown pants. He stepped into the small creek till the water reach mid calf and then stood bend over with his arms out. I've seen bears do something like that before, when I tried it took me an entire day to catch fish. I'll trust him and get the nuts and berries.

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