Even The Vally's Below

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Wow. This chapter is short af.

Brian ran in the bedroom with a walkman and headphones in his hand. Roger was 7 months pregnant and he was resting a little bit after lunch, on his bed. He was dealing with some kicks now.

Roger looked up.

"I was in the living room reading the book and I learnt that making the baby listen to classical music while pregnant, makes the baby smarter."

"Okay but how is she going to listen?"

"Like this."

He put a Mozart tape in the walkman and plugged the headphones in it. Then he put the headphones on Roger's belly.

The music started playing and Brian returned to the living room to read more.

As soon as Brian left, Roger got the headphones and put it on his own ears. He listened to it for a few seconds and made a disgusted face. He took it out.

"Oh you poor girl...It's time for you to listen to some real music, Emma."
That was the name they had decided for the baby.

He got a "The Who?" tape from the drawrer in the nightstand and took out the classical music one. He started making Emma listen to the band as he smiled widely.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO sailawaysweetbeebin / sweetsisterbrian ! WE LOVE YAAAAA. TY FOR BEING SO NICE!

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