four; city lights

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four; city lights
when the party's over {billie eilish}
"...don't you know too much already? i'll only hurt you if you let me, call me friend but keep me closer, and I'll call you when the party's over..."


Weak winter sunlight filtered through the blinds, making Spencer roll over to try and block it out. Her sleep after talking with Chris had been less than restful, but definitely better than nightmares.

She shuffled into the kitchen, Jamie, ever the morning person, cheerfully pattering around making coffee and breakfast.

"Morning, Spence! Sleep oka-hey, are you alright?" Jamie stopped in her tracks when she saw Spencer's haggard appearance. "Were you dreaming again?"

"You could say that." Spencer replied, and Jamie sighed. "Oh, honey."

"Chris called though," Spencer said, which made Jamie freeze. "Why? What was wrong?"

"He just couldn't sleep. Then he...I mean, I told him everything, Jay. And he didn't hang up." Spencer said, and knew immediately that telling Jamie was a mistake. She had just gone into full on matchmaker mode, eyes shining with mischievous delight.

"Oh my god, Spence. You totally like him!"

Spencer stopped. Did she?

She could see how Jamie would take it that way, but as much as she was drawn to Chris, she felt scared.

Scared of love, scared of her own feelings, whatever you'd want to call it, she was terrified. "I don't know." Spencer mumbled. "I don't know if I want to let him in."

Jamie let out a wry laugh. "By the sound of it, I think you already are."

Later that night, Spencer went to a birthday party at a bar with Jamie.

One drink for each of them accidentally turned into two, then three, until both of them were well and truly fucked up.

"I have to go to the bathroom!" Spencer slurred, and Jamie waved at her dismissively. "Call an boyfriend to pick us up please and love you." She told Spencer with one eye drooping shut, and Spencer let out a giggle.

Wobbling dangerously on her heels, Spencer made it without falling to the ladies room, where she found herself alone.

It was quiet, a break from the talking and loud music and raucous laughter that surrounded her in the bar.

Spencer suddenly felt rather small.

She shook off the feeling, trying to focus. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, meaning to call Ricky, but ended up with Chris answering her call.

"Hi, Spencer!" He said, and she grinned widely, reveling in the way he said her name. "Hiiiiiiiii, youuuuuuu!" She drawled, gripping the edge of the sink as the world swayed.

She heard him laugh. The sound was beautiful. "Are...are you drunk?"

She laughed. She couldn't help it. His voice was musical. She loved it.

"May-*hic*-be." She said, and tried to remember why she'd called him. "Jay said to *hic* call a-a boyfriend I think? To pick us up?"

"Well, I'm not Ricky, but I'll come. Where are you?" Chris said, and Spencer felt absolutely giddy. Chris was coming to get them! She couldn't wait.

"You are so amazing," She whined, "I think...I think Harry's."

"Okay, Spence. I'll see you soon."

"Bye, handsomeeeeee!" Spencer sang, and promptly hung up.

"Urghhh...I feel so bad..." Jamie said as Spencer returned. "Yes." She agreed, suddenly feeling less amazing than she did in the bathroom. "I want water."

She was halfway to the bar (which took her five minutes), when she got sidetracked by a familiar, handsome face.

Chris entered the bar, his eyes searching for both Spencer and Jamie.

"Chris!" She cried out happily, waving comically at him and delighting at his smile. "Hi there." He grinned as she stumbled over to him, looking more like a baby giraffe than a drunk girl.

She tripped over her own feet on the last few steps, falling straight into Chris's arms.

"Woah, now," He chuckled, "I think it's time to go home."

"I wanna go to bed!" Spencer whined, her fingers firmly wound into the sleeves of Chris's blue hockey jersey, wanting nothing more than to drown herself in the smell of him.

"Okay. We'll do that." Chris said gently, tucking Spencer safely under one arm.

Somehow, Chris got both Jamie and Spencer to the car, a black BMW parked by the curb.

Jamie sprawled across the back seats, leaving shotgun to Spencer. Chris helped her into the car, making sure he minded her head as she clumsily ducked into the vehicle. She managed to buckle herself in as Chris started the car, pulling onto Main Street.

He called Ricky, informing his best friend that he'd be dropping Jamie off because leaving two drunk girls together was not a smart plan.

Spencer watched his face under the glow of the street lights, absolutely enamored with him. He was so beautiful, she thought. So, so beautiful. And kind, too. He was so gentle with her, his big hands always soft on her skin.

She drifted off for awhile, but was awoken by strong arms lifting her out of the car. She breathed in Chris's smell, the cologne and cinnamon intoxicating. "Is it bedtime yet?" She asked, and she heard him laugh.

"Sure is."

She felt her awful shoes slip off her feet, and Chris told her she could borrow a t shirt to sleep in. "Help please," She mumbled when struggling with the zipper on the back of her dress, and Chris's deft fingers left trails of goosebumps on her skin as they trailed down it.

She slipped out of her dress, the purple fabric pooling around her feet. The black Bleeding Through t-shirt Chris had given her smelled like him, and she practically swam in it because he was so much taller than her.

"You can sleep in here, Spence," She heard him say, and turned to see him waiting by his bed, the covers turned down. "I got couch duty."

Spencer unsteadily crawled into bed, the dark grey sheets soft against her skin. Chris gently pulled the comforter up over her, and she seemed to sink into his mattress.

Her eyes started to slip shut, and she could've sworn that he brushed a kiss across her forehead before he padded out of the room.


"Where are you going?" Her father sneered.

"Out," She mumbled, and let out a cry as she was slammed into the wall.

"You watch your fuckin' tone." He growled, and she gave him a small nod before he stalked out of the room.

She cried at the kitchen sink, and texted her friends to tell them that she'd have to take a raincheck on the movie.

Still asleep, she shifted restlessly in bed, the sheets knotting around her. Even in this bed, she couldn't escape the dreams.

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