one; the first snow

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one; the first snow

midnight {m4sonic}

"...hello, honey, where have you been?"


"Sorry it's so messy in here," Jaime told Chris and Ricky apologetically as she unlocked the door to her apartment.

"Spence! You here?" She called as the trio ventured deeper into the house. "My roommate." She added when Chris looked confused.

Jaime came to a door and knocked twice before opening it. Chris and Ricky peered in, and Chris was suddenly spellbound by the girl sitting at the vanity.

Spencer Bettley looked like something out of a 1930s silent film, her dark chocolate brown hair just brushing her shoulders as the voluptuous curls swayed with the movement of her head as she turned it to look at them. Her beauty routine had obviously just been interrupted by Jaime, and Chris blushed as he noticed that she was wearing a black silk slip of a dress that just brushed the middle of her thighs.

Luminous green eyes peered out from under thick black lashes and elegantly arching brows, her lips full and pink. Her skin was one part peaches and two parts cream, obviously extremely well cared for with not a blemish in sight.

She held a makeup brush between her long nailed fingers, many of which were adorned with silver rings.

"Hey, sweets. Hey Rick. Who did you bring with you?" She said in a pleasantly low voice that very much reminded Chris of silk.

"This is Chris. He sings for Ricky's band. Chris, this is my roommate, Spencer." Jaime chirped, and Spencer smiled, her lips pulling back to reveal a set of arrow straight white teeth.

"Nice to meet you, Chris. Sorry for not being....more clothed."

Chris swallowed hard and laughed nervously. "N-no problem. Sorry for kinda bursting in here."

"Anyways, we're gonna go meet up with the rest of the band guys for dinner, wanna come with?" Jaime asked Spencer, and the beauty smiled again, setting her brush down and stretching, arms extending like swans' wings over her head.

"I'd love that. Lemme get dressed first and we can get going." Spencer sighed, arching her back like a cat.

"Great," Jamie said, both she and Ricky completely oblivious to how red Chris was, his eyes captured by Spencer's green irises.

She seemed to know exactly what he was thinking, and threw him an almost imperceptible smile as Jamie closed her door.

Chris's head was spinning, the very thought of Spencer making his heart pound uncharacteristically inside his chest.

His heart had been torn to shreds by many a woman, it was obvious in the many of the band's songs that Chris had had more than his fair share of heartbreak.

So, why was it that one girl had winked at him and turned him into a blushing mess?

Nope, Chris thought. Not this time. Never again.

His thoughts were quickly interrupted when Spencer walked into the living room, causing Ricky and Jamie to stand, Chris stumbling to his feet.

She wore black, the color a stark contrast against her ivory skin and emerald eyes. The only pop of color in her winter clothing was a purple scarf, which peeked out of the top of her black leather jacket.

"Ready?" Jamie asked, and Spencer gave a small smile, her gaze burning into Chris's skin. "Ready." She said softly, and in that moment Chris realized that he could detect a deep sadness behind Spencer's eyes. The weight on her shoulders was so much more than he knew.

The four left the building, greeted by the chill of a Pennsylvania December.

The band had a week off in their hometown after playing their way up the East Coast, before the tour they were on would whisk them away to New York, then Michigan, and so on for another month. They were taking this opportunity to see family and relax, breaks so few and far between.

"Where are we going?" Spencer asked. "Chick's," Ricky supplied helpfully. "Ryan picked it out."

Chris smiled; Chick's was a greasy spoon diner in Scranton that was universally loved for their burgers. "Oh good," Spencer sighed, "I'm starved."

"Me too," Chris said, "I need a basket of fries."

"I'll split one with you." Spencer replied sweetly, "I don't usually eat much anyways."

"O-okay, perfect." He said, not missing how close he was in the backseat of Jamie's car to Spencer.

Her hands sat folded tightly in her lap, and in that moment all Chris wanted to do was unravel them, to hold them in his own.

He shook the intrusive thought away and let himself zone out to the music on the radio and Ricky and Jamie's conversation.

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