Chapter 18- Lots of Styles

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*Vanessa's Point Of View*

(Vanessa's Outfit- )

"Reservation for Sykes" i said as i made my way up to the counter. Me and Nathan made plans to have dinner tonight at a cute little Italian restaurant a couple blocks down from our hotel.

"Right this way mam, the waiter said with a wink and took me over to the table. As I got closer I noticed Nathan wasn't their yet.

"Here you are mam. Would you like to order your drink " the waiter pulled out my seat and asked as he pulled open his note pad.

"Just a water would be nice." i said with a smile as he walked back to the bar area. 

It had been about 20 minutes and Nathan still hadn't come. I checked my phone for the 30th time, and nervously bit my lip.

"Would you like another water?" The waiter questioned with a sad look in his eyes. "uh sure" i nodded my head solemnly. Even if Nathan were to show up i wouldn't even be able to eat because I'm so water logged. 

"I hate to do this to you Miss, but the resturant is closing in about 10 minutes and it looks like your date isn't going to show up."

"yeah" i breathed. " Thank you for everything."

He gave me a slight nod as i gathered my stuff and left the restaurant. 

I decided that i was gonna walk instead of taking a cab because it will give me time to think. Nathan has been acting so weird lately ever since he left the rooftop yesterday. After the song i sang for him he didn't have the exact reaction that i thought he would, he actually seemed more upset that Tasha stormed out of the room. Actually ever since Tasha came he has been weird. I know she has only been here for a day and half but i can already sense that she is gonna stir up some trouble.

Either way it doesn't give him an excuses to completely ditch me , his girlfriend and leave me alone at a resturant. Also the fact that he didn't even call me to say he wasn't coming. I wonder what he is up to. I bet he is out with the guys having fun, drinking and just completely forgot about me.

I was quickly brought from my thoughts when loud music filled my ears.I looked across the street to see bright lights and lines of people outside of a night club. It was almost as if i had lost control of my body as my feet led me to thumping music.

I herd people yell faintly behind me as i walked right to the front of the line. 

"Can i see some I.D Miss?" A giant black man with a bald head asked in a deep voice that instantly put me on edge. He wore a black shirt with 'SECURITY' printed on it in big white letters. 

"Uhmm errm i dont have an ID with me." I mumbled as i dug around in my purse.

"Well you know the rules no ID no entry." The man said as he clipped the rope back on. I let out a short breath and turned around to leave but was interrupted by someone grabbing ahold of my arm.

"She is with me." A thick, deep british accent said as he showed the man his drivers licence. 

"Right this way Mr. Styles. Sorry for the confusion." My breath caught in my throat as the words the Bouncer spoke sunk into my brain. 

Did he just say Mr. Styles.

As in Harry Styles.

As in Harry Styles from One Direction, Harry Styles.

My body immediately froze as i realized what just happened. I looked up and was met with the green eyes of Harry Styles. 

"Come on we can talk about this in the club. Before the paparazzi come." He said as he pulled my limp body into the night club. His big hand held onto my small one protectively as he pulled me through the sweaty bodys that filled the dance floor. Finally we made it through all the people as he pulled me up to a platform that was filled with people. He came to a stop as he looked for somewhere to sit. My eyes landed on two seats that were in the corner. I lightly tapped on his shoulder, he looked down at me and his gaze immediately made me feel intimidated. I weakly pointed over to where the two vacant chairs sat. A smirk came across his face as he pulled me over to them. 

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