Putting The Pieces Together.

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"What the hell is wrong with you?" Thalia hissed.

He never saw the punch coming.

Jason was slammed out of his misery by an iron fist, he fell to the floor though got back up again. 

"What the hell was that for?!" Jason snarled. 

Thalia his sister smirked "Theres the fire I see back in your eyes" 

He narrowed his eyes at her. 

"I'm not talking to you" He growled, his misery quickly turning to rage and the urge to barbacue someone with lighning, mainly his sister, even though he knew the lightning bolts wouldn't work on her. 

"You are not going to have a choice" She said sternly as Thalia put herself in front of him.

"Let me go" Jason growled.

"No, you have to hear me out!" Thalia snapped.

Jason glared at her but didn't try and walk away from her again.

"I heard what happened, I'd just come back with the hunters" Thalia looked pained.

Jason cringed guiltily knowing how much Annabeth's death must have hurt.

"I also heard what happened out there" Thalia added, giving him a pointed look.

Jason didn't respond, looking away from her.

"Hey! look me in the face when I'm talking to you" Thalia snapped.

Jason looked at her reluncantly but was shocked to see how intense she looked.

"Where's the Jason I knew? Who doesn't take crap from anyone? Where is he!" Thalia demanded, poking her finger hard into his chest.

His drowning in his own shame Jason thought, cringing away from her, rubbing his chest, she poked really hard.

"You helped stop a war, you defeated a titan, how is it that these idiots are making you crumble when you didn't then?" Thalia scoffed.

Jason slumped.

"Don't you get it Thalia? I always crumbled, I just didn't let it show when I was Roman" He whispered, voice breaking.

"Then don't let it show now!" Thalia grasped his shoulders, making him look at her "Sure you've changed but your still the same guy you were back then, the Jason Grace everyone talked about and I heard about wasn't a coward!"

Jason felt like someone had slapped him across the face, everything he had done and she was calling him a...?

He said before he could think about it, through gritted teeth"I'm not a coward"

Thalia suddenly seemed to soften and she even smiled as she said "Then show me! Show them! Pull yourself back together and show them what the son of Jupiter is really like! There are plenty of people still counting on you Jason. I'm one of them, and so is Nico and Leo. Did you not see Nico defending you? Go out there and show them, show me, show Nico he didn't put his trust in the wrong person"

Jason stood straighter, taking deep breaths, okay...he could do this!

Thalia playfully punched him as she said "And hey, if everything goes to shit, you still have the daughter of Zeus and the son of Hades at your side, no one could win against us, right?"

And to that Jason finally agreed and depend on "Right"

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