Chapter Twenty-two

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The FBI agents my parents were talking about showed up at noon to discuss the plan of action for tonight. Because I still didn't agree with what they planned, I refused to be downstairs. I tried to get Oliver to stay with me so that I wasn't alone, but he said it was probably important for him to be down there too. This all did involve him as well, so I didn't argue with him.

As I sat on my bed waiting for them to finish, I contemplated on whether I should call Brody or not. Although we weren't good on times, I needed to talk to someone. Not to necessarily tell him about everything that was happening, but just to talk. If this was to go as plan, I owed him an explanation as to why I was distant and spending time with Oliver more than him when we were in a relationship. He at least deserved that much, right?

My finger hovered over Brody's contact name, and I almost pressed the green button, but decided against it. It was probably best not to talk to him right now. This wasn't over yet, and I wasn't sure if it was still going to be or not after tonight. Instead, I put my phone away and stared impatiently at the wall.

An hour later, they were gone. I waited a few minutes before heading downstairs. Adam, Oliver and my parents were still sitting at the dining room table. They all looked up at me, but they didn't say anything. They knew I didn't want to know how this was all going to go down tonight. Besides, it was best that I didn't know.

"Are you hungry, dear?" my mother asked me. "I was about to make something."

I shook my head. "No, thank you."

I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and went upstairs to my room. Thankfully, nobody followed me. Since I didn't want to be a part of this, I didn't want to be around them. At least until there were handcuffs on Rodney and he and his men were behind bars. Then when I be relieved and not worried anymore. This plan had better work, though, because I missed school. I missed the homework and my teachers. I missed the classes and PE, and I just missed everything about it. I never thought I would say something like that.

Pulling out my computer, I went onto social media to catch up on everything I missed. I went to Brody's profile for some reason and saw that he was in a relationship with Chloe. My eyes widened in surprise, but I couldn't really say anything or cast any judgement about him moving on so fast, because I did, too. Besides, him and Chloe were perfect with one another, and I honestly was happy for him.

Closing out the internet and shutting my laptop, I put it back in my top dresser drawer and picked up my phone again. Almost immediately, it vibrated in my hand. Oliver texted me, and I quirked an eyebrow. Why was he texting me when he was downstairs? Why couldn't he come up here and tell me whatever it was he just sent me? Laughing to myself, I read the text.

Oliver: Pack some clothes.

What? He wanted me to pack some clothes? What for? I went to respond, but thought that it would be better if I went downstairs to ask him why. And that was exactly what I did. It was my mother who answered instead of Oliver.

"We think it would be best if you weren't here. We can't protect you just in case someone who worked for Rodney showed up."

"But you're going to be here, though," I said, placing my hands on my hips. I looked at Oliver. "And you agree?"

He nodded. "I'll be going, too."

"Going where?"

None of this was making any sense to me. If the plan was going to work like they claimed, then why did we have to leave? Why did we have to go into hiding? This was all so stupid.

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