Chapter Thirteen

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"Has there been any update?" my mother asked, her face hopeful. The look of disappointment filled her eyes as the person on the other phone gave her their answer. She thanked the person and hung up, putting her phone down on the kitchen table and covering her face with her hands. She sobbed while my father rubbed her back soothingly, and her entire body began shaking.

I felt a tear slip from my eyes, and I quickly rubbed it away so that nobody would see me cry. It was heartbreaking seeing my mother like this, because even though she had a tough exterior due to her being a corporate lawyer, when it came to her kids – us – she was loving and caring. Sometimes, I wished she would act like she was in a court room because I hated seeing her like this. An emotional wreck. She hadn't been to work in the last couple of days.

You would think, though, that to end all of this, she'd give Rodney the money he desperately wanted, but she was also the kind who didn't give in too easily. But, it would be better wondering where my brother was and worrying about every little thing. I wanted to walk over and comfort her, especially when she looked up at me with a tear-stained face and puffy red eyes, but I really didn't feel like breaking down in front of her.

My phone went off. It was an unknown number, which meant it was more like Rodney. But then, for some reason, a part of me believed it could be my brother. I wanted to answer the phone, but something told me it wasn't a good idea. Maybe because it could be Rodney with another threat. Or maybe my brother and that something could be that it wouldn't be best because my parents were around. Whichever it was, it made me ignore the call. If it was important, they'd call back or leave me a message.

A knock sounded at the door, and my mother snapped her head up. Some emotion that I couldn't detect flickered in her eyes, and I was going to go answer the door to see who it was, but my dad beat me to it. I narrowed my eyes in confusion when I saw Brody standing at the door. What the hell was he doing here?

My dad smiled. "Hey, Brody. Come on in."

He wasn't aware that me and him broken up, but only because I didn't tell him or mom. I didn't think it was that important, especially all with what was going on.

"Why are you here?" I asked, my voice coming out more rude than intended. Or maybe I meant to.

"Sierra," my mother warned. "Don't be rude." Then she glanced at my ex-boyfriend with a small smile. "How are you, dear? I haven't seen you in a while."

He returned that smile and stepped more into the living room. "I'm doing good, Mrs. Smith. Thank you for asking." Then he turned to me. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

I almost told him no, but then remembered my parents were still in the room and I didn't really want to hear my mother scold me. So I sighed and nodded my head, and I unwillingly followed him upstairs to my room. I kept it open because my mom was home, and she would come by in a couple of minutes to see if I kept my door opened or not.

He sat down in the chair at my desk while I sat Indian style on my bed. I looked at him, and he at me, but neither of spoke a word. He came here to talk to me for whatever reason, so he could be the one who spoke first. If my parents weren't hope, we wouldn't even be staring at one another right now. How unfortunate for me.

Finally, after what felt like forever, he spoke. "How are you?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared. "How am I? You made it clear the other day when you said 'screw you' that you wanted nothing to do with me. What are you doing here, Brody?"

"I heard about what happened." That made me tense up, and I was sure color drained from my face. He heard about Adam escaping rehab? Or that Rodney threatened me? That was something he didn't need – or deserve – to know. "I'm sorry about Chloe. I didn't think she'd go after you like that."

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