Mafia, Misfits, & Demons pt.2

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Arthur's POV
Location: Unknown

I walked to a large wooden gate in the middle of the forest. This must be where Raven lays. A single man stood guard at the gate.

Gate keeper: Hey, what are you doing here?!

Arthur: Greetings sir. I am Arthur Watts. These two here are my accomplices Hazel, and Tyrian. We request to speak with Raven Branwen.

The man sized us up. Thank god Hazel is here with us, otherwise we would've had to fight our way in. The man nodded and let us in. We got many odd looks as we walked around camp. Lots of little huts set up. Many little shops. A lot of roughed up people. Nothing more than civilized savages. We made it to our main tent and entered in. Inside sat the woman of the hour herself.

Raven: Who are you? And what has brought you here?

Arthur: My name is Arthur Watts, we have been sent here by lord Y/N as messengers to-

Raven: Who sent you?

Arthur: Y/N. Y/N L/N.

She looked somewhat surprised. Funny. Didn't know news spread all the way out here.

Raven: So he lives?

Arthur: Yes he does, he is reborn. I must ask though, how do you know of the man? I didn't know news spread this far.

Raven: It doesn't, but I have eyes around Beacon. I heard that Y/N was dating my daughter and niece. I also heard they caused his death via suicide.

Arthur: He's asked us to send you a message. He wants you and your army to join us. In exchange, you will be granted a luxurious life and immunity during the great purge of Remnant. If you don't comply however, then he will come here personally and raise hell. He'll kill each and every one of your men and women.

She looked down for a minute, contemplating her choices. After a few minutes she looked back up.

Raven: I'm more than willing to serve by Y/N, but I require one thing.

Arthur: And what would that be?

Raven: That none and I mean none of my people get hurt or die after the job is done.

Arthur: On behalf of the Grimm nation, I guarantee your people's safety.

Raven: Very good, I will have my people ready to leave within a few hours.

Arthur: Then we shall wait, but do try to be nimble. Lord Y/N wishes for these task to be completed as quickly as possible.

A few hours later...

I'm truly impressed. Not everyday do you get to see an entire camp cleared and ready to go so quickly.

Arthur: Is everyone ready to go?

Raven: Yes, let us move out.

We left through the portal back to Salem's Palace.

Location: Salem's palace

I watched as Watts entered back through the portal with Raven and her bunch of misfits.

Y/N: Watts, I see you were  successful in your mission.

Arthur: Yes my lord. As always, I live to serve.

Y/N: Very good. And you are Raven I presume?

Raven: Yes. So you're Y/N. I never knew my daughter dated the son of the Grimm queen.

Y/N: Yes, well that isn't the only thing she's done.

I heard whimpering coming from across the room. I look over and Velvet was standing there. She was all cut up. She was on the verge of tears. I ran over to her and let her collapse into my arms.

Grimm Velvet: I...I'm sorry master... I failed....

Y/N: No, you didn't fail me my darling. Who did this to your perfect body? Who hurt you?

Grimm Velvet: Adam...Adam did...

I felt my blood boil. That feeling of rage fame back and I was ready to snap.

Y/N: Watts, Hazel. Take Velvet and get her fixed up. I'm going to take care of Adam myself.

I summon a dark sword as well as my tendrils and walk through the portal. I will use him as an example. To show what happens when you piss me off or when you hurt someone I love...

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