Hell Is Upon Us

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Location: Salem's throne room

We were all gathered around a large orb which displayed the layout of Remnant. I needed a few people to join us or be exterminated before I could start raising hell.

Salem: So what's your plan my son?

Y/N: First, we need to get rid of anyone that could pose a threat to us. Wether that be making allies or killing off them, I don't care.

I pinned different spots on the map of Remnant and placed character markers of where I wanted who to go.

Y/N: Emerald, Cinder, Mercury, I want you to go to this location and get Roman Torchwick and Neo his assistant to join us. Tell him I sent you three. If he chooses not to comply then kill him and anyone else there on sight.

The three of them nodded, they left through one of the portals Watts set up.

Y/N: Hazel, Watts, Tyrian, go to this location. Here lies Raven Branwen and her camp of misfits. Tell them of our great plan and request for their loyalty. If they don't comply deal with every last one of them, but bring me Raven alive.

The three of them left for Raven. If she is wise, then she'll comply to our commands.

Y/N: Velvet my dear, I need you to go to Adam Taurus. Tell him who sent you. If he refuses to comply then kill him and take command of the White fang.

Grimm Velvet: With pleasure my love.

She left through the last portal. Now all that was left was me and my mother.

Salem: Whats the plan for Atlas?

Y/N: I will see to it that they will be our of our way. If all goes according to plan I will take my Velvet and a few others to disable Atlas mainframe. I'm doing that, all of their tech will be shut down.

Salem: So now?

Y/N: We wait, we enjoy the knowledge that in due time, hell will be upon the wicked.

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