part 3. rust becomes a top

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Rust woke up one day and went to go wash dishes then he stopped he realized he wasnt a bottom to demon boy and he continued washing dishes, he talked to albert alot more then demon boy and he was more superior over albert than stinky demon boy 😡😡.


Meanwhile, demon boy was watching bnha because he's a dead white person and drinking coffee. He keep check his phone for his HOT gamer boy to hit him up but notices he hasn't talked to him and gets confused so he texts him than he sees he has been talking to ALBERT!!!! He gets jealous and starts screaming and climbs on the ceiling on all fours and pisses on it to make it yellow.


Rust starts kissin his gay ass homie albert and they have sex on the couch for like 2 hours :/, alberts loud ass moans can be heard echoing in the forest like amazook echo, demon boy tracks down the moans from albert and stomps over angrily 😡😡.


Demon boy slowly opens the door and sees RUST AS A TOP???? He screamed cutely as Albert coward in fear, demon boy rolls out the door like a fucking transformer all the way back to his house, and has a baby tamper tantrum!!!! "Was my pp not big enough????" He said while having a 15 year old white girl panic attack while listening to Billie eyelash's "Idontwannabeyouanymore" on loop on rythmbot from discord.


next day demon boy was depressed as ####, he listened to billie eyelash and of montreal for 11 hours, he went outside with his e boy black hoodie and then he saw a sexy worm infested myth man 😍 , he nose bled like a stupid gacha anime retard at this dying parasite infested man with his kid who looked like furry.

demon boy x rust_010!!!!!!! [collab fanfic]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora