Episode 52

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There are two kinds of people in the world. One who would get themselves lost and the others would find themselves out of the maze without trying. 

Mouri Kogoro, in reality, is the later. However, the producers want him to act like the former– Which gives the actor himself and the rest of the filming crew a headache. 

Kogoro: I guess we should go home now!

He looks at the map and pointed straight at the exit. "It looks like there's a shortcut ahead, so let's take that."

Ran: Eh? Are you sure you won't get lost?

Director: Ran-chan, please sound more sceptical when you say that line. Mouri-san here may be an excellent driver, but you're in the woods and it is very dark. The chance of him getting lost is incredibly high. Here's an example–Mouri-san, please work with me. 

"I guess we should go home now!"

"Eh? Really? You sure you won't get lost? Like that. Can you do it? I thought youths these days are very sceptical people." They mumble the last sentence. Ran laughed nervously. Conan tugged at her skirt and beamed at her. "Ganbatte, Ran-nee-chan!"

To Ran, there were flowery filters around the boy. She made no attempt to hide her squeal as she hugged Conan with elation with her monstrous strength.

"Ran-nee-chan! Air! I need air!"

Director: All right! Take Xth, start!

"I guess we should go home now!"

Ran lifted an eyebrow. "Eh? Are you really sure you won't get lost, dad?"

"G-Guh! We won't! I'll make sure we get out of the forest safely!"

Ran froze for a moment. Kogoro's face leaked nothing, but she knew what had just happened. She went with the flow and opened the car door with a resigned shrug.

"Let's go before it gets too dark to navigate," Conan piped, sensing that something was a tad different from the script, and all of them agreed.

"And CUT!"

"Dad, you forgot your lines, didn't you?"

"Uncle did ad-lib!"

The director shook their head. "It's a good take though. Does Mouri-san want to retake that or move on?"


- Take #3

Kogoro drives out of the forest unknowingly. 

"OI! Mouri Kogorou-san, you're supposed to remain in the forest no matter where you drove!"

- Take #4

Kogoro drives out of the forest unknowingly. 


- Timeskip, 6 pm, Take #I-have-no-idea

Kogoro drives out of the forest unknowingly again. The director sighed aloud. 

"Mouri-san, your skills to make it out of the maze is impeccable. It's amazing. However, we don't need you to use that skill here! Go missing, lose your way, just don't find the exit!"

The director's face looked red with anger, but it was not the kind that was pissed off–Just frustrated. Ran held back her laugh, while Conan yawned in fatigue. They had been going on about this scene for hours. 

Just then, a thought crossed the little boy's mind.

"ACTually, Director," Conan piped. The director paused to look at the boy. They heard that it was better to listen to the children when they speak their ideas to cultivate their confidence. They made a loud questioning hum.

"We could just take a video[1] of the lost scene about ten metres from the original spot, right? The trees would've looked different there. If you wanted it to be really different, we could put the camera on the other side of the car too, right?"

There are also two kinds of directors, I suppose. One that remembers that it's all an act, and the other forgets that fact. 

[1] - Conan here is a real child. He does not know big words like film–I didn't know that word until when I'm in my third year in primary school.

Happy Christmas guys, here's my gift I guess?

And guys, any request please drop them in the chapter "Form of requests". Nowhere else, please? It's easier for me if all the requests are all on the same chapter. 

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