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"Ichi-nii! Mom's gonna kill us if we're late!" Conan shouted up the stairs.

"What do you mean? The entire thing is filmed at our house."

"But mom says it starts at the amusement park today! Ah! KAI-NII! DON'T TAKE MY SHERLOCK HOLMES TOY!" The boy cried. There were loud explosions in the kitchen then more shouts followed after, before a burst of haughty laughter erupted from the room.

"Come and get it, Co-chan~!"


"Aww~ I love you too!"

Shinichi rolled his eyes and smacked his forehead. This is normal, he told himself. He walked to the intersection of the mansion and grabbed the collar of the fleeing culprit, wrenching the soft toy out if his hand. Kaito stops immediately and glared at his twin.

"Oh come on! Can't you let the man have his fun?"

"You pester Aoko-chan all the time at school. Leave your younger brother alone would you?"

Kaito snickered, shaking his head then leaping out of his older twin's grasp. Shinichi pushed him slightly when he escaped, as if not willing to touch his brother anymore. He glanced at his watch and sighed.

"Conan, what time did Mom say that I need to report at the amusement park?"

Conan, the spitting image of Shinichi (then again, the three of them looked like clones. Except, Kaito has violet eyes, a rare trait inherited from their maternal grandmother), emerged from the kitchen. His hair was glittering, dyed blue and messy like Kaito's.

Immediately, his brotherly instincts kicked in as he knelt down to Conan's height and started to clear off the mess. Kaito pouted, watching the other clean up his art.

The blue in his hair though, could not be removed so easily, leaving a very dark shade of blue-black like one of the knight helmets he had in school.

"Mom says at 2pm, but I don't think we can go anywhere with my hair blue." The little boy commented, frowning slightly at his older brother's prank.

Just then, the phone rang. Kaito sprinted over, wanting to escape the piercing glare from Shinichi. He is really too sharp for his own good -he is trying to get the natural colour back again.

"Nothing escapes Ichi-nii!" He recalled Conan exclaiming with awe written all over his face.

Chuckling at the memory, he picked up the phone and pulled it away immediately, a certain someone's voice booming through the speakers.


Kaito laughed nervously. "That'll be my fault, mom." He admitted. "I accidentally dyed Co-chan's hair blue while doing art."

"Ara, Kai-chan. Good afternoon!" Their mother greeted pleasantly before chiding him. "What did father and I tell you about your hair dye pranks?"

"To leave it outside the house."

"Don't forget it. Oh dear... the directors want Conan to act in their upcoming show as the protagonist but we need him in his natural hair colour. Kai-chan, can you please be a dear and help them out?"

"But mom- fine. They'll reach the amusement park in half an hour or so." Kaito concedes. No one can argue with her, not father, not auntie and uncle, and certainly not her sons.

"Great! Then I'll see all of you in a bit! Kya~ I know Shin-chan's gonna love this series!" She squealed and hung up, not waiting for Kaito to reply or say his goodbyes.

With the phone back to its original position, Kaito ran to his room and got a spray can of distilled water to help clean up Conan's hair. In less than five minutes, the trio were set to go.

"We didn't forget anything right?" Shinichi inquired, his eyes already roaming around to check on the lights, fans and their personal belongings.

Conan cheered, gleefully agreeing that nothing was left behind. Kaito shook his head, and was first to get out of the house. The other two soon followed, albeit slowly.

"C'mon! Mom's gonna fry us!"

Behind the Scenes with Detective ConanWhere stories live. Discover now