Chapter 6

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After school the four boys all decide to go to a nearby arcade and hang out there. Luke, Calum, and Michael are all socializing with one another while Ashton lingers behind them, feeling left out. Luke notices Ashton isolating himself from the group, so he walks over to the shorter boy and pulls him closer to the group.

"Luke, wait." Ashton tugs back his arm and stares down at the group. "I don't think I can do this."

"Do what? Talk to them?" Luke chuckles, grabbing Ashton's arm once again. "Come on, it won't be bad."

"But your friends don't like me."

"So what if they don't like you? As long as I like you, what everyone else thinks doesn't matters."

Ashton raises an eyebrow at Luke's choice of words. "That's one way to put your confession."

Luke stops walking before he releases Ashton's arm and spins himself around, his cheeks starting to form some blush. "N-Not like that! I can't like you. I-I m-mean, I don't know you very well yet. Once I know you, then I can like you. Wait, that didn't come out right. I just have to know you fir-"

"I was just joking. You getting rather nervous over this is kind of funny." Ashton laughs. He squeezes one of Luke's red cheeks. "But I guess you're right. I'll try to talk to them." Then the wavy haired boy leaves Luke's side, the taller boy cursing at himself under his breath for making himself look stupid in front of Ashton.

Michael and Calum stare at Ashton in confusion when he stands in front of them. "Yes?" Michael questions bitterly.

 "Uh, hi. I'm Ashton," the shorter boy introduces.

"We know."

Calum smacks Michael's arm. "Why are you such a rude tomato head?" he hisses before he looks back at Ashton and sends him a smile. "Sorry about Michael. He's on his period. You can tell by the red hair."

"Hey!" It's Michael's turn to smack Calum and Ashton chuckles to himself.

"I want you guys to get to know the real me, not the one you all hear from the rumors."

"I don't need to get to know you," Michael snaps. "You're not getting into Luke's pants."

Luke's face flushes red upon hearing that and Ashton shakes his head. "Don't worry. As of now, I have no intention on doing that. I promise. So, who's ready to get their butt kicked at an arcade game?"

Michael narrows his eyes at the wavy haired boy, before finally saying, "You. Are. On."


The first thing that happens when the four boys arrive at the arcade Ashton and Michael dart to the token machine to exchange some dollar bills for tokens. Luke and Calum are standing behind them, watching the other two eagerly and greedily snatch the coins and run towards a skeeball game.

"Ashton's already stealing Michael away from us," Calum says, laughing. "I'm surprised Michael was quick to accept Ashton."

"Well, he did bring up games, so..." Luke shrugs. "But I was hoping to spend more time with Ashton myself, so I could learn more about him."

"Ah, I see. You're jealous." Luke's eyes widen and he glances over at his brunet friend.

"I-I just want to get to know him, that's all!"

"No need to be so defensive. You know, if you wanted to be alone with Ashton, why did you invite us?"

"B-Because you guys didn't see him as a good person, so I wanted you to, you know, see who he really was."

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