Loona x Male!Werewolf!Reader

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Wink wonk


You were the newest intern at I.M.P inc. and already the place seemed...charming. There was Blitzo (the o was silent), the crack job boss of their company. He was easy enough if you got his latte orders right. Then there was Millie and Moxxie, the sweet little lovers that ran numbers. Or at least Moxie did, you weren't quite sure what Millie did but then again it was only your first day.

Then there was Loona, a dog demon like you. Well, similar. You had pointer fangs and a bit more bloodlust, but the same difference no?
She was troubling at first but you'd always known that she was something else. Everyone's gotta be a certain way for a certain reason.
And you just needed to figure out what her reason was...


"Can somebody tell me who the fuck let this furry in the conference room? He looks like he just crawled out of the gutter!" Went Blitzo, rolling his eyes and giving you a glare. Loona smirked and gave a devilish little giggle.

With a sigh, Moxxie answered before you could defend yourself.

"Sir, he's the intern you hired yesterday. Ring any bells in that empty head of yours?"

"Moxxie!" Millie chastised him.

"Ah yes, the shitstain from yesterday that kept following me around like a fucking lost puppy."

"And what's wrong with puppies?!" Both you and Loona simultaneously growled at him, giving each other a surprised look before turning immediately back to the boss.

"Nothing! Certainly nothing Loona," he coddled, rubbing his face invasively against Loonas.


"Well, Anyways, what are you even interning for?" Blitzo asked as Loona went to snap at him with her sharp teeth. You sighed, exasperated.

"I'm training for a position at this facility," You said, picking at your pointy nails uninterested you.
"Are we paying you or something..?" Interjected Moxxie. You shrugged in response. Were they?

Do they even have enough money to pay me minimum wage?

"Okay okay pussies, meeting over. Furry freak, you can go man the phones with Loona if you need experience," He said the word with a cutesy tone, giving said wolf an adoring look as her name was mentioned. Nodding, you followed her as she went to her desk. Or wherever she worked.

Everyone dispersed from the room while Loona sat down. As far as you could tell, she was completely detached from all reality. She hadn't even registered you yet.

"Uhm. Hi?" You said although it came out more like a question. Loona quirked an eyebrow at you, giving you an acknowledging nod before turning back to her game.

"No way...is that...Kill Moxxie 3D edition?" You asked, excitement brewing in your voice. She looked a bit shocked at first, then nodded slowly.

"Oh god, I love that game. Let's see, are you more of a slit-his-throat or two-stabs-to-the-stomach-kind of person?" you asked.
She laughed loudly, all teeth flashing at you. It filled your stomach with butterflies to hear her laugh. For some reason, you refused to look into it.

"I can't believe that they made a fan game about Moxx," she snickered. You laughed and smiled, fluffy ears peeking up and tail wagging uncontrollably. Loona rolled her eyes, "you're like an excited puppy."

"Good thing you like puppies then, huh?"

"Fair enough." She admitted with a small smile. You beamed at her, rolling your eyes and taking the phone from her.

"Let me show you how it's done,"

{Five months later}

"Okay so show of hands, who here has any idea what they're fucking doing?" Blitzo said in typical fashion.
You raised your hand after a moment of silence

"I'm the temp"

"I fucking hope not" Loona muttered under her breath, causing heat to rise to your already warm cheeks.

"Enough with the furry talk, intern," Blitzo said, rolling his eyes.

"I did even say-"

"Don't care!" He turned to Moxxie and Mille, "how are my second and third favorite family members?"

"Employees, sir." Moxxie tried, exasperated. You snickered and returned the fist bump Loona aimed your way.

"Not you temp!"

"Of courses sir." You said, giving Loona a soft grin and wink. She flashed a sharp smile at you yet quickly returned to her game.

"Okay everyone, it's about closing time and I don't think we have any more clients on the phone, so you all can get the fuck out of here," he said, beaming at everyone in the room....except you.

"Honestly," you whispered to Loona, grabbing her hand and whisking away. once everyone was in their own respective offices packing to leave, you took Loona out the door and down the stairs. You intended to ask her out at a cheap arcade not far down the street, two lefts and a right.

"Where the hell are we going?!" she asked, laughing.

Over the last few months, you two had become amazing friends. You broke down her barriers and she found your sweet spots (Luckily you didn't contract syphilis). She was much nicer to you than initially, even if she did still have her spunky bark and bite. Just one of the many things you liked about her.

Rolling your eyes back at her, her pierced eye-brow raised in a questioning stare. You stopped at the first crosswalk on the way there and told her exactly where you were going.

"I found this arcade....and I know you love your video games so much, so I bought us some coins so we can have a good time," you explained, watching the crosswalk sign turn green. Dashing across the street with Loona in tow. Then there it was.

"Oh my god, do you have any idea how difficult it is to run in three-inch spiked heels?!" she barked, resting up against a lamp-post. You gave her a cocky grin and shoved her forward into the arcade. All her talk of ripping out your insides vanished as soon as she saw the lit-up screens.

"Rows upon rows...do you think they have Kill-Moxxie 3D?!" She asked excitedly, jumping on you and hugging you. You keened over with her weight, her bushy tail rubbing up against your leg. "I'm sure they have every Kill-Moxxie game! Including the shit Wii-U version!"

"You know me way too fucking well!" She laughed, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You felt your eyes widen and Loona pull away, only for you to pull her right back into your arms. She stepped down, careful to avoid your toes with her heels.

"Shit...(Y/N)..." You leaned into her touch, wanting more.

"I can't believe you're keeping me from the thousands of games that are literally right there!"

you laughed loudly, getting dragged forcibly into the arcade. Christ.

This girl.


I literally hate the fact that I can't seem to keep Loona in character and have her have character development in the span of 1000 words.

{1136 wORDS}

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