Imagine #5 (Peter Parker)

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Imagine being deathly afraid of spiders and making Peter get one for you

"PETER," you shrieked from the bathroom. Carefully you grabbed a towel to cover yourself but made sure your eyes stayed on the eight-legged monster crawling in the tub.
You wouldn't dare look away.
"(Y/n)!" Peter said running into the bathroom, all of his suit on except for his mask. What's wrong, he said, in a stance that implied he was ready for battle.
Still not looking away from the spider you pointed a shaky finger at it, where it stayed, unmoving, in the bathtub.
"That's what you're afraid of, he said chuckling slightly. I thought someone was trying to kill you due to the fact that you screamed bloody murder."
The spider crawled a little bit further into the bathtub causing you to give a slight yelp and run into Peter's arms.
"It's fine (y/n), he won't hurt you, Peter said, trying to calm you down.
"Can you please just kill it already," you said putting your face deeper into his chest.
"Kill it! Peter said as if you had suggested you kill Aunt May. I can't kill a spider, I'm Spider-Man for god's sake. This little guy is like my brother," he said untangling you from his body and picking up the spider.
You backed away from Peter not wanting him anywhere near you with that ghastly creature. "I'll be right back," he said with the spider crawling on his hand.
You gave a slight shudder as he walked past you.
When he came back the spider was no longer in his hands.
"You had me so scared I thought something was trying to kill you," Peter said.
"Something was trying to kill me," you said irritably.
"Right, he said chuckling and kissing your forehead.
He then began walking away.
"Peter," you called out.
He turned back around.
"Can you do me one more favor?" You said, giving him puppy dog eyes.
"What's that," he asked.
"Please, can you check to see if there are any more spiders in the tub," you begged in a rushed tone.
"Of course," he said with a grin.
He loved how much you needed him right now. Walking back into the bathroom with you behind him he pulled back the shower curtains and inspected the tub.
"It's all clear."
"Are you sure," you asked hesitantly.
"Positive, but if you're nervous I could always come in the shower with you for extra protection," he said with a smirk.
"Peter," you said hitting his chest lightly. "I'm just trying to help," he said with the same smug smile. "I'll take my chances," you giggled at him while pushing him out of the bathroom. How ironic that you were deathly afraid of spiders but at the same time practically dating one.

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