Chapter 6- Getting Revenge

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"He was not!" I exclaimed to my friends as we entered my house,

"Why would he, the hottest and most popular guy in school be looking at a girl who is not popular and hot like him?" I asked as I swung my bag on a chair as I sat down.

"because he finally realises that you are beautiful and sweet" Nicole said as she and Lucy smiled, we got our maths homework out and started working, I cocked my head to the side and looked at them.

"You think?" I asked in a cute voice, they nodded,

"Totally because you are beautiful and amazing" Lucy said making me blush, I hit her playfully and looked at the ground.

"Stop it I am not" I said smiling at my maths book as I scribbled down answers, they smiled and squealed at me,

"You are so!" they shouted at the same time making me laugh and almost falling all off my chair.

"Yeah okay maybe a little" I bit my bottom lip as my phone vibrated in my pocket, I got it out and answered  hello?" I said putting my finger to my lips to quiet the giggling girls "Maddy it's Louis your brother" I rolled  my eyes "yes I remember who you are so what do you want?” I asked as I closed my maths book and leaned back in the chair “I locked myself and the boys out of the house” he said in defeat, my eyebrows went one up and one down “again?” I asked smiling to myself, I loved doing this, I loved knowing I was smarter in some ways than him.

“Yes again now can you lets us in before we are trampled by fans?” He was begging me, I smirked and looked out the window and down the road was a group of Crazy Directioners racing for my house.

“Alright, settle down” I told him and hung up, I put my phone on the table and walked through the hallway over to the door, I opened it and all FIVE boys were standing there including Harry, I was fucking finally starting little by little to get of my one year crush who broke my heart but he just turns up out of the blue to fucking break my heart again. I sighed, holding back the tears and let each member through except Harry,

“You really think I am letting you into my house when I have a fine opportunity to get revenge right now? Fuck you Styles I hope you get trampled on” I started to close the door and stopped to say one more thing “oh and since you like to snog girls SO much, there are about 50 girls just lining up to get some of those lips so fell free, Manwhore” I slammed the door in his face and stomped back into the kitchen.

“Um Maddy” Lucy said in a shaken voice, I looked up from my homework again to give her a look,

“Yes Lucy?” I asked, she pointed to the window behind me and I looked, I fell onto the fall in fits of laughter as I saw Harry getting pounded in by the fans, “Oh god! This is just” I couldn’t finish I just kept laughing till my stomach hurt. I got many looks from my girls and the guys like ‘has she gone crazy’ and ‘I think Harry turned her into a psycho' well that's harsh but oh well this is funny.

After my laughing fit I went back to being depressed, bipolar much? I snuck back into my room and cried my eyes out into my pillow for the second night in a row; why did Harry have to be my crush? Why did he have to hurt me like this?  How could he hurt me like this? All these questions roamed around in my head as I cried and cried and cried

till my body couldn’t produce enough tears quick enough so I just sobbed and chucked fits, throwing things at the wall, punching my pillows, screaming into them hoping someone could save me from my feelings, from this nightmare called love.

After I had stopped crying, throwing things, screaming, punching and all my other violent and depressing actions someone knocked on my door,

“Maddy it’s me” I heard my brother’s voice coming from the floorboard that was my door, I sniffled and got up, I walked over and opened it rubbing my eyes from the brightness of the lights downstairs.

“Hi” I screeched, coughing like a manic cause of my screams just then I had lost my voice well not completely but most of it. Louis pulled me into a hug, a tight, brotherly hug that was comforting and loving at the same time; I hugged him back and just fell into his arms. He caught me and we just sat on the floor, as I cried, sobbed, punched his chest, whined and screamed for a good hour till I was exhausted out of my wits, “Thanks Louis” I whispered as he lifted me off the floor and walked over to my bed, tucking me into the blankets and kissing my forehead like our dad should be here to do.

“Anytime Maddy, I am always here for you sis just remember that and that I love you so much” I nodded almost crying not from being sad but from being happy that I had my brother here, to look after me, to take on my emotional fits and to love me more than words can explain,

“I love you too Louis, goodnight” I yawned, stretching as I turned over and stuffed my hand under my pillow, quickly falling asleep within minutes of those words.

I woke up, everything was as sore as hell and I could barely move a muscle, I just lied in bed till Louis comes up to help me get ready for school. “Maddy!” My brother shouted as he climbed the stairs to my room and just stood there, at the top and gasp at the sight of destruction I had cause my room.  I sighed in agony as I tried to my finger muscle but it just made me wince, bringing my brother’s attention to me, “Maddy, what’s wrong?” he asked, sitting down at the bottom of my bed.

“I can’t move without being in complete agony that’s what” I replied, rolling over to face my brother and wincing the whole time till I saw his face and just stopped, sighing in relief.

“Oh well then no school for you today, I’d expected you to be like this” he mumbled getting of my bed and walked over to the downward door that led to the upstairs hallway, “Holler if you need anything” he replied before descending down the stairs and closing my door behind him, I yawned and closed my eyes again going back to sleep for a good 6 hours should do me.

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