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For my most beloved, my dear.


The field of gods burned underneath the fires of setting sun, crescent clouds mixing with gingers, creating the messiest, yet the most breathtaking view one could ever witness.

Sunflowers let out the last sigh, lowering their heads for a second before turning to each other in hopes of finding the sunshine among themselves.

Yellow came in all shades, from the flames of the sun to the dyed locks resting underneath the shadows of the umbrella-like flowers that were striving for the light.

The blonde haired boy sat on the ground, mastering the art of creating flower crowns and curling each daisy representing each freckle on his sun-kissed skin with love.

Golden hour did the golden boy fair. He was shining, melting into the perfect scenery around him and thriving on the last rays of a flaming medallion slowly passing the privilege of sovereignty to something else.

Ever the solar deities were unable to keep their mind or eye off of him, constantly filled by a doubt about one of their kind roaming the world in a shape of human.

Atum, Egyptian god of sunsets was watching over the world proudly, making sure the setting sun was visible and impressive to everyone, including the boy in the field that would be perfect heir to him. However, Gnowee didn't plan on letting him have this fantasy for long - the Australian goddess was sure this was the son she had spent her whole life looking for.

And while the two argued, Apollo used every possibility to get to know the boy closer, constantly sending his ravens to the Earth and getting amused by the pure boy's reaction to those white birds. Felix observed them with big eyes, pouting when his friends didn't believe him and keeping the pictures and the drawings he made to himself as a secret bond between him and the gods he never knew about.

The sunflowers knew everything, passing the stories of a godly human in a whisper, adoring him in every ways and standing a little longer with him around. The messengers of the sun never got tired of the golden boy and made sure the sun always had a pass to him, bending sideways and letting the rays kiss his face endlessly, causing the freckles on his skin to appear, marking him as their favorite.

The sun child looked ethereal. Being the center of the overwhelming colors around him made him look even more powerful and angelic - something he would never think of himself. Yellow was his significant color and he seemed at home under the flaming shades of skies and tall flowers, serving him as a throne and the crown of daisies in his hand being the diadem the Gods were eagerly willing to put on him.

The boy radiated the light, the warmth, replacing the sun at night and keeping his surroundings alive. He was always told that he was nice to hug or hold hands with because of that and always took it as a compliment rather than a power.

-You are yellow - He was told one day. Taking his companion's hand as he touched his face with the other.

-is something wrong with my skin?

-No, I mean color associations.

-Synesthesia and such?


-Nice, yellow represents happiness. My name means the same thing - he smiled, letting his freckles appear as he stepped out into the sun.

And since then he subconsciously started the bond with this color - accidentally purchased yellow berret instead of black one online, adopted a golden retriever, found out all his school notebooks had lemon shades... Even his favorite fruit turned out to be bananas and his favorite flavor - honey.

He found peace within the color, becoming more energized and proving that his nickname "sunshine boy" was a perfect fit for him. The world became his playground, he became the head of random projects and spontaneous adventures to wherever, including the field he was currently sitting in.

The sun had set by the time he finished making the daisy crown and was now admiring his work with a smile.

His skin still felt warm thanks to the previous kisses of the golden rays and despite the dark that was slowly setting in, his eyes still shone with adoration as he saw familiar face that appeared as soon as the full moon popped up above.

The person sat next to him, pushing silver locks of hair behind the ears and returning a warm smile as a flower crown gently got placed on the top of the head.

The deities were going wild. This was against all the laws but the children of sun and moon still found a way to fall in love.

The sunflowers held their breath, covering the pair as much as they could but everything was useless when the boy shone so brightly even in the dark abyss.

And just when the endless roars of galaxy and gods tried to reach the Earth, two pairs of eyes got fixed on the sky in subconscious attempt of seeing where they got called from, only to be greeted by countless stars, hanging like diamonds on a huge chandelier in the middle of the dancing hall.The golden haired boy smiled, laying on his back to have a better view of what could have been his realm and drowning in his fantasy until he felt a touch and without thinking, intertwined his fingers with the other person.

-Look at the stars, look how they shine for you - the soft voice spoke and Felix couldn't help but smile at the comment.

-For me?

-Yes, for you.

-I think it would be more for you, at last, isn't it how we decided to split the world? - he said, rising on his elbows.

-A night for me, day for you? - the person grinned, bringing a gaze from the dark to the light the boy had around him.

-yeah, so it can be fair.

-And how has your day been? - the person asked again, laying down to share a view.

And Felix sighed contently, letting his eyes shut and rest after a long, hard day of being responsible ruler of light and warmth, the negative memories of whatever happened that day disappearing high in the sky like goddess Eirene was sent to bring peace to his mind and body.

He smiled at the sky, silently thanking the universe for the honor and the care he was getting, neither knowing that he was the chosen one nor the reasons behind it. He was happy, and that was all he understood, so without giving it much of a thought, he said whatever floated in his mind first.

-it was all yellow.

And so was he.


A/N: Hello, Felix saves me daily and I'm super grateful for that.

Please drink water, don't skip meals and take a rest if you need to.

You are loved, you are treasured, you matter.

It's okay to be sad, it's okay not to feel yourself but it's not okay to think that it will last forever. Better days are coming and it's gonna be all right.

I love you,
whoever you are, whoever you want to be, I'm with you.

- Elizabeth

Yellow • Felix LeeWhere stories live. Discover now