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"We are going to get her wisdom teeth removed!!" Ethan yelled to the camera Grayson was holding,

"Shut up," I mumbled

"She is really nervous." Ethan said looking at me

"Because I don't want to become a mental hospital patient like you." I say smirking

"Aye! I was a savage not a mental patient!" He yelled

You laugh looking at the camera "Guys don't make memes of the following content," I warn


Grayson and Ethan enter the room you were in,

"Hi." Grayson says softly

"Oh my god! it's turtle man and skunk boy!" You screech

"How you doing?" Ethan asks filming

"Um.. I feel sleepy and oh my god I really want to meet Shawn Mendes, do you think he could have a dentist appointment and be here?" You ask

"Even if he does he would be in in Toronto," Gray says, you spoke a lot about Shawn so now Gray and Ethan would know everything about him,

"Thanks for crushing all my dreams and hopes for the day," I say slapping his stomach

"Can I have pancakes on the way?" You ask completely forgetting about Shawn

"You can only have soft foods, babe, sorry," Gray says

"I can't get to do anything, this has more rules then my mom had at the dinner table," You say causing both Ethan, Grayson and the nurse to let out laughs

"Can I have my phone or am I not allowed to touch electronics?" You ask sassily

"Here you go," Grayson says giving you your phone from his pocket

"I look terrible!" You say, your emotions were running wild, why do you feel like crying? nw you're hungry and then happy, now you're sassy?

"Can we go home? I'm tired." You whisper to Grayson and Ethan

"We'll leave in a few minutes," Gray tells you

"Oh okay," You say as you lay back on the chair


You were in the car, you were in the middle of the two boys in the back seat.

You suddenly put two of your fingers on each of their jawlines and swiped it


"What the heck?" Ethan asks as Grayson begins laughing

"My teeth hurt." I mumble

"They'll heal in a few days." Ethan says

"A few days? do you think I will be able to handle this! Take my teeth away and give me dentures!!!" You yell

"Y/N is on X games mode right now." Ethan said

"Guys, I know thanksgiving is far away but I am so thankful for the two of you, you came to the dentist with me when you were busy, even when you two act annoying and complain about me always having dairy. I will always love you because you are my bi*** and I love you," You say as you begin crying

"W- what? she was laughing two seconds ago." Ethan said rubbing my back

"Don't be ashamed of crying!" you say slapping Ethan

"Aye! No violence!" Grayson said

"You didn't say that last night." You joke

"EWW! Y/N THAT'S DISGUSTING!" Ethan screeched while Grayson gags

"A joke." you reply closing you eyes

"I never thought I would say this to her but hopefully she stays asleep till we get home," Gray whispers to the camera

but you still heard "I heard that!" You screech smacking him

At home Gray put you to bed, but you weren't sleepy, you sat there wide awake snapping, and tweeting weird stuff.

You kept giggling at the replies and the "goofiness" of your tweets

Grayson enters with soup because you can't eat solid food, he looks at you giggling like a goof

"What are you doing?" He asks

"I am being goofy on the internet!" You say

He smiles and comes towards you, "Time for soup," He tells you

He sits down next to you and puts the tray down, "feed me." You demand crossing your arms

He shakes his head and begins feeding you slowly.


Soory for bbeing IA .. but I am back.. somee one requested a chapter so imma start working on that

Grayson Dolan Imagines (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now