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Entire team except was just hanging out in Virat's room making fun of the English team, teasing Jinks about his sledging, Hardik and Jaddu just talking some nonsense. MS was sitting beside Virat saying 'don't move you head cheeku' every 5 minutes.

Rohit dashed into the room hurriedly and sat in front of MS. All went silent confused by Rohit's action.

" Mahi Bhai also came na. No one said anything to him but you are not allowing me to come. I want to see Virat Bhaiya." Came the demanding voice of Yuzi as Rohit put the phone on speaker.

Kuldeep who was leisurely jumped up horrified. Will the entire team were in shook.

"Tilli" MS said confused, amused.

"Ma...Ma.. Ba..Bhai" Yuzi stammered shocked. Never in his life, he thought that Rohit would put the phone on speaker.

Rohit smirked as all others burst out laughing hearing Yuzi's stammering except Kul and Jassi who sympathise with Yuzi.

"You were saying something Tilli," Mahi asked sternly trying not to smile.

"Woh...Woh... Bahi...Woh...I was asking how is Virat Bhaiya" Yuzi managed to say.

"I'm fine, Yuzi. Getting better. But you were saying something else na?" Spoke Virat with teasing smile as he gave a Hi-Fi to Rohit.

"Woh... Mahi Bhai I was asking if I could come there to see Virat Bhaiya." Yuzi said meekly.

"No Tilli. You went only 4 days back and you are not going to travel all again. Virat is fine. You can Video call him." MS declared.

"Ok...  Bhai." Yuzi agreed not daring to say a word.

"But when I said the same thing you were saying something like..." Rohit who didn't have enough of teasing  Yuzi 

"Ok...Ok... bye. Virat Bhaiya I will call you later." Yuzi said hastily cutting off Rohit as he cut the call.

Entire Room burst out laughing and Kuldeep wail about 'how mean and unfair it was' left unheard.

MS and Virat have ordered their food to the room as the team went down to eat in buffet.

"Only one plate? I think they forget." MS said walking towards phone after checking the trolly.

"Chor na Bhai. That takes time. Let's eat na. I'm hungry." Virat voiced.

So, they started eating the salad from the same plate as if it pretty normal thing in the world.

"I'm done," Virat said after 5 minutes.

"Weren't you hungry? MS asked raising his eyebrow.

"I lost my appetite. I was literally sleeping the whole day." Virat winced.

"Don't you want to run a marathon with this broken neck." MS retorted

"Chup Chap kha le, Cheeku. You have to eat before taking medicines." MS said as kept the fork near Virat's mouth giving him no option but to eat it.

"Yoo... What a sight? Didn't expect you here MS. and Hi...Cheeku. How is health? We just came to check on you." Joe Root said chuckling, entering the room as the entire English team followed him.

MS and Virat are startled by the sudden entry of uninvited, unexpected and unwanted guests.

"Only people close to me call me Cheeku. Its Virat or Kohli for you. Btw, I'm fine." Virat replied sharply.

"Ohh...Ohh...Cool Virat. I should have made a video of the last 2 minutes. It would have gone viral in seconds. Who would not want to see the Virat Kohli spoonfeed by his ex-caption." Root teased making Virat's blood boil. 

"What's with you Indian man. How can 2 people eat from one plate? Heard a word called 'Table manners". You Indians are literally crazy." Archer said before Virat could reply to Root.

"We may or may not have table manners but Indians do have the manners of knocking before entering someone private space and also we are also matured enough to respect other countries and their customs, you know," MS said glaring at Archer.

" And Joe, Video clips of  Virat's batting would go viral anyway once he is back so you becoming a videographer is not needed I guess." MS continued with a perfect fake smile.

Virat sat there eating salad calmly as his Mahi Bhai was in the mood to give them a piece of mind while English men stood there out of words.

"And We Indians won't eat with outsiders in the room.... So..." MS said politely.

"Ya..ya.. you guys continue. Get well soon Virat." Buttler said before their team walked out.

"That was a nice show, Bhai" Virat said grinning cheekily making MS grin too.

Virat slept after taking medicines and of course after throwing a lot of tantrums. MS sat there checking his mails when he heard a hesitant knock. 

"Rohit? You didn't sleep yet? It's almost 11." MS injured as he so nervous rohit stood at his door.

"Bhai, I just could not sleep there. I sleep here only na. I won't talk with Virat. I promise we won't fight also." Rohit said impatiently. MS just signed as he let Rohit it and ordered an extra bed.

MS had actually pushed them back to there rooms so that they can get sleep as they have a match tomorrow.

Rohit stood there staring at sleeping Virat with a sad face. It hurts to see Virat like this. Virat always fighting and shouting is much better, he thought.

"He is fine, Ro. If not sleeping, he would have started fighting with you by now, don't overthink."MS said as rubbed Rohit's back making Rohit chuckle.

"Virat" MS moved to Virat's side after switching on the light as he heard Virat moaning in pain middle of the night.

"Bhai, It's paining a lot" Virat sobbed as holding on to MS as tight as possible. He might have accidentally moved his head in sleep causing immense pain.

"Shh...Bacha...Clam down... Don't move your will go away." MS coaxed holding virat in a comfortable position as he called room service for an ice pack.

"Mat jao na Bhai, please. It's paining so much. Don't go."  Virat sobbed as MS was about to get up.

"I'm not going anywhere, Kiddo. Just 2 mins I will get an ice pack." MS coaxed as tried to get out of virats hold. "Just 2 minutes, I will be back in 2 minutes."

Virat again clung to MS as soon as he back. "Why is it paining so much Bhai?" Virat sobbed innocently making MS heartache. 

MS made Virat sleep comfortably with his head on MS's thighs and started applying an icepack on Virat's wound with one hand while massaging in Virat's head with another, as he kept on whispering some sweet nothings.

"Virat" mumbled Rohit as he woke up panicking when time was almost 2 in the morning.

"How did I forget that Bhai is here." He talked to himself stretching is head as he saw MS sleeping in a with is back leaned to the bedpost with Virat cuddling in his lap.

"How can he expect that he doesn't get back pain after sleeping in this position" Rohit murmured as he adjusted a pillow behind MS's back. He removed icepack laying on the bed and adjusted the blanket on Virat before going back to deep slumber. 

Hey...Short Chappy..... Wasnt in the mood to write at all😪😪 Don't know how this came out too🤔.  Next update would be on 23rd.

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