Chapter Twelve

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Charlotte's POV


The halls seemed to bend for me as I picked up my pace, my eyes flicking to every door.
I couldn't hear her voice yet, despite how scummy I felt for abandoning her.
What had come over me? I still wasn't certain, despite how I dwelled on it even now. Was I really that helpless under the grip of Slenderman?
... More importantly, did I even... care? Did I even mind that he manipulated me so easily, and in such a way? I shook my head, trying to dismiss the thoughts. I had one thing to focus on.
I swore I could hear her voice now. I paused for a long moment, tilting my head toward the door beside me as I heard the voices of children from within.
It didn't take me long to move to the door, pressing against it with a grimace as I listened more closely.

"... I should get going."
That was Karelia's voice. My eyes widened as I recognized it. My hand immediately dropped to the doorknob, which I gave a sharp twist, forcing my way into the room.

"Karelia??" I asked. Her name was burned into my mind by this point. I glanced around, scanning the room before finally looking down, spotting her sitting on the floor across from me, at a table for children.

"... Huh?"

Now that I looked closer, I could see that... she looked frightened. Terrified, even, for a split second upon my opening the door. Her expression soon melted into a relieved smile, though, and I yelped as she very nearly tackled me into a hug.

She was so warm. Her body pressing against mine. Those beautiful curves of hers- the pink tinted light shining onto her skin, giving it a warmer- or even hot hue.
I was hooked. I wanted more. My fingers dug lightly into the flowing fabric of her nightdress before I abruptly paused, remembering the events surrounding today.

Maybe now wouldn't be the best time. Not after all she'd been through- and also, there were kids here?

"Thank god you're here." Karelia told me, leaning her face closer to mine. I startled, feeling a hot blush rising to my cheeks.
"You... don't want to know what I've seen." She whispered, pulling out of the hug to cling onto my arm.

I blinked a few times, a little confused by her clinginess as I stepped out of the room, gently guiding her back to her own bedroom. "... Try me." I offered. She shook her head, and I frowned.
She seemed desperate not to talk about it, so I didn't pry.
We walked in silence for a few minutes before she spoke up again.

"... How did your... um... proxy stuff go?" She asked, turning her head to me slightly. The light shone off her eyes, accentuating her curious expression.
I cleared my throat.

"... Badly. I've got no clue what I'm doing, really. Or... why." I chuckled halfheartedly, feeling my heart sink in my chest as I tried to ignore my own qualms with my situation.

Karelia nodded.

"I wish I could do something like that." She admitted. "I've been cooped up for so long. At least he hasn't come back." She gave a soft, wanting sigh. I could hear the envy in her tone, and in that moment, I wished I could give it all to her. Right then and there.
And yet, I knew that I didn't want to force this onto her. I didn't want to hurt her as I felt I was being hurt. I gave a somewhat pained smile instead, my eyebrows pinned together in an almost concerned expression.

"Do you think he ever will?"

"Maybe." She looked resigned to her fate. I wanted to reach out to her, to hold her once again, and yet-
We had already arrived at the room.

I opened the door, bowing as a knight might before her princess, before stepping back out of the room.
She deserved a dress like that, I thought. A long, trailing dress with drooping sleeves and a wide collar. Something reserved for royalty.

"Thanks, Charlotte." She murmured, the words passing her soft lips like a peaceful, soothing stream.

I nodded. "I'll, um. I'll see you later. I should really get going."

She nodded in understanding. She paused, opening her mouth to say something- before shaking her head, changing her mind.

"I'll go shower. Mm, you can see me when I'm done, if you like?" She took a step back, nodding toward the ensuite.

I chuckled. "I might be busy." I admitted. "I'll see you later, alright?" I raised a hand in a wave as I finally began to walk away.

She nodded, and I caught the slight smile gracing her lips as she closed the door.


Offenderman's POV

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